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I stalked down the hall feeling completely angry and i wasnt entirely sure of the reason why. Was it because Hayden sat on mine and Damons bed? Maybe. Maybe it was because Hayden just walked straight into my allready messed up life and threw some crappy legend in my face. I didnt even know what the legend was. I didnt want to know either. I didnt realise where i was going until i was stood outside the music room. I went inside and sat at the piano. I ran my fingers along the keys and started to play the piano part of Andrew LLoyd webbers - love never dies. I finished playing, got up andlay on the floor in the middle of the room and just stared at the cieling for what felt like hours.

"Love's a curious thing

It often comes disguised

Look at love the wrong way

It goes unrecognised

So look with your heart

And not with your eyes

The heart understands

The heart never lies

Believe what it feels

And trust what it shows

Look with your heart

The heart always knows"

I sang.I heard the door open and close again a minute later but i carried on singing anyway.

"Love is notalways beautiful

Not at the start

So open your arms

And close your eyes tight

Look with your heart

And when it finds love

Your heart will be right

Learn from someone who knows

make sure you dont forget

Love you dont understand is love that you'll regret" I finished softly.

Two people clapped behind me. I got up feeling hot and embarrased to see Damon and Hayden standing behind me.

Hayden had bruises around his neck from when i grabbed him. Served him right. Damon had a look on his face, a look of pride and he was smiling at me.

"That was incredible" Hayden complimented me. He looked at me as though the world hadjust stopped and it was my fault. I felt my face grow even hotter.

"Uhhh, th-thanks i guess?" i stuttered back.

"Awwww she's all embarrased Damon" Hayden said as he looked at Damon and back at me again. Damon hadn't taken his eyes off me since i'd realised he was there.

"We came to talk to you properly. Hayden also came to apologise" Damon said as he elbowed Damon who looked gave him a look and then looked back at me again. Hayden cleared his throat, ran a hand through his hair and looked at the floor.

"Im sorry" he mumbled. I smirked at him.

"Im sorry, i didnt quite catch that" i said with a hint of sarcasm. He glared up at me.

"Im sorry" he repeated louder and clearer.

"Apology not accepted, now what do you want?" i asked. I raised my eyebrow at them and crossed my arms as i waited for them to get to the point.

"We came to talk properly. Hayden is going to explain the legend" Damon told me as he sat on the floor in front of me a few feet away. I looked from him to Hayden and back again. I sat across from Damon and Hayden sat beside Damon.

"Well isnt this cosy" Hayden said as he made himself comfy and smiled at me. I glared at him.

"Okay, guess not" he said and inched away from mr a little. I rolled my eyes at his childishness.

"Okay then get to it" Damon told Hayden.

"Okay so roughly one thousand years ago vampires were ruled by a royal family and acouncil like a government. The vampire royal family had thecouncil to take charge of things like vampires risking exposure to humans, punishment and such, bit like a court really. So the king and queen of the vampires had two kids. But they knew someone was after them thanks to their prophetess. Unfortunately the king and queen were murdered along with their two kids. But no one knew that they had a third child" he said as he looked at me. Our eyes met.

"That child was you" he said to me.

"Thats complete bollocks. Im 18 and this happened like what? A thousand years ago?!" i half yelled at him. He was seriously frustrating.

"I havent finished yet" he scolded and carried on before i could say anything else.

"The queen knew that the third child would have to be kept a secret from the public. So only her, the king and the childs siblings and the prophetess knew about the third child. The queen asked the prophetess if there was something she could do to protect the third child. The prophetess knew of a witch who could protect the child until it was safe for royalty to return. The witch froze the child in her current state and kept her hidden in a secret safe house somewhere far away from anyone or anything until it was safe. About two weeks after the child was taken the royal family were murdered. Chaos broke out between the supernatural races and no one believed they were safe. Eventually the chaos died down but there was a rumor that the vampire royals had one last heir to the throne. The secret had been leaked and that is where the legend came from. The prophetess was killed along with the royal family but before she died she had written one last prophecy and had hidden it for the witch to find. The witch did find the prophecy but how accurate it is i dont know, but it said that the vampire princess would return, with more power than anyone could think was possible with her mate at her side she would restore the supernatural races to how they were. Friendly and at peace. But in doing so would result in the destruction of her soul, leaving a fragile and empty shell of her formerself" he finished and looked between me and Damon.

"I think you missed out a few things" i whispered, a little hysterical because i could feel within me the truth of his words but my mind wanted to reject them. As if he knew what i was getting at he carried on.

"The witch that saved you grew old, and the chaos died down only about 200 years ago. The creatures that killed your parents are believed to no longer exist, hence why your here now. The witch must have thought it was safe for you to return and gave you to a surrogate family to raise you until you were able to become a vampire and search for your soulmate. But your soulmate found you" he smiled as he said the last part.

"How do you know so much about the witch?" i asked a little suspicious.

"Because my mom is a witch, and my dad is a vampire, and even though i am a full vampire i have a little magick in me, the witch that saved you happened to be my grandmother" he said matter of factly.

"Hold on! What happens to a person or vampire or what ever if their soul shatters? How does it shatter?" i asked.

Hayden looked at Damon, i saw him nod his head then Hayden turned back to me.

"A soul shatters when it witnesses something it cannot bear and when a soul leaves its body for too long, the body dies leaving the soul in the land of the dead. A soul can find its way back to its body after being shattered but it would need all of the pieces to be put back together. Throughout history several creatures including vampires have had shattered souls and none of them have returned" he said looking a little sad.

I felt completely shut off from my body, like i was stuck inside my own head. What was i supposed to do? In several days i had been torn from my life, engaged, and then told i was part of some stupid legend and i was basically going to die a horrible death. Not to mention the family i thought was my family isnt and my real family is dead.

I was vaguely aware of Hayden and Damon trying to get my attention but i just sat there staring at nothing.