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Damen and i were sitting in the living room with Hayden drinking blood and moaning about how many adverts were on the TV when Damens parents showed up.

"Damon!" his mother called. Damon immediately got up and went to greet his parents. Hayden got up too and went to give Damen's mother a hug. I looked around feeling a little awkward.

"Kat! I hope Damon's been looking after you!" Liz told me as she made me get up from my seat and hugged me.

"He has" i told her smiling when she pulled away. Gabe stood next to her looking a little awkward. He also gave me a hug. He looked like an older version of Damon, he had the same blue eyes, same hair even the same smirk.

"He better be" he joined in giving Damon an 'if i find out you haven't you're in trouble' look. Damon shrugged and gestired us all to sit after Gabe greeted Hayden.

"Okay let's get down to buisness shall we" Gave said looking between me, Liz and Damon.

"Yes okay so we've sorted all the important guests there's about.... 300 maybe more. Kat your parents will be coming. We've sorted out the food and there will be plenty of blood available and also red wine for the humans so they don't suspect anything. There will also be a live band! I was told it was one of your favorites Kat" she winked at me but didn't tell me who it was.

I let her ramble on about cakes and food before i realised if my friends would be there. I didn't care about my family but my friends i did. Did they know about Luke yet?

"So is there anything i missed?" Liz asked glancing between me and Damon.

"Will my friends be coming?" i asked. She gave me a 'do you think i'm an idiot' look before she nodded.

"Of course they are honey! did i forget to mention that? Silly me, yes they will be here a few hours early so they can help you get ready" she smiled at me. I smiled back knowing i'd be able to see Chanel again. I miss her so much i don't know how ive survived without her. Damon and his parents kept talking on and on with Hayden occasionally joining in before he got up to leave. I assume to check on Luke who was still sleeping.

After a few hours they said their goodbyes and left.

"Well that was fun" Damon rolled his eyes showing his sarcasm.

"I'm just glad i get to see my friends again" i replied with a smile. I hugged him letting him know how happy i really was. I took him by suprise but he managed to hug me back in the end. We broke apart when Hayden cleared his throat loudly behind us. I raised my eyebrow while Damon looked annoyed.

"You need to tell your parents about Luke" he told Damon. Damon nodded and shrugged.

"I know, i'll get round to it but what are we going to do about him?" he asked looking at me.

"I don't know" i answered honestly. Part of me wanted to look after him like he was family but another part of me wanted my freedom back. I sighed and headed up to my room feeling unintrested in the things on TV. I flopped face first on the bed and buried my face in a pillow full of Damon's scent.

"You okay?" he asked from behind me. I felt him flop on the bed beside me. I turned to face him, eyes meeting his.

"Yeah, it's just alot to handle, y'know?" i shrugged and closed my eyes inhaling his scent again which was much stronger since he was now so close to me.

"Yeah i know. I'm sorry... For everything. I know you don't want to be with me but i promise i wont stop you from being with anyone else" he whispered. My eyes snapped open and i saw the sadness in his face.

"Damon, you're my soulmate. I don't want you to apologise for things that aren't your fault. I do want to be with you but i'm not going to fall in love with you within a week of meeting you, these things take time but i'm sure if we spend enough time getting to know each other i'd fall for you quicker" i whispered back. We both stayed silent for a few seconds.

"Can i have a cuddle?" i asked. His face changed to shock then he smiled, rolled onto his side and opened his arms for me smiling. I shuffled over to him burying my face into his neck letting him fold his arms around me and i sighed with content. His touch sent warm tingles all through my body, causing an explosion of buttlerflies to erupt in my stomach. We stayed like that for a few minutes. I had the sudden urge to kiss him. I pulled my face away from his neck and i gazed into his eyes. All i could see in them was love and adoration regardless of who i was, or what i looked like. That's when i realised that i really did love him and it only took a week to realise that the guy that saved me and Luke from slavery really was the one. THE ONE. The one that most people spend their life searching for.

I moved as close as i could and kissed him. He didn't respond at first but he wrapped his arms around me tighter, and ran his tongue along my bottom lip begging for entrance. I let him in, our tongues dancing as he rolled over so he was on top. A small moan escaped his lips as i untangled one hand from his hair and put it underneath his shirt running my hand up his chest. I felt him smile into the kiss as he pulled away breathing heavily.

"Considering you said you didn't love me a few minutes ago you sure don't act like it" he gasped and tried to get up. I pulled his face back to mine kissing him again before he could go anywhere.

"" i whispered in between kisses. He smiled again and pressed kisses all along my jaw line and down to my neck and back up to my lips again. He slid a hand up my tee holding me closer to him with the other hald holding my thigh. I untangled my other hand from his hair and lifted his t-shirt over his head, momentarily breaking the kiss. I ran my hands over his bare chest and kissed him again hungrily. He didn't bother waiting for me to lift my arms up so he could pull my tee off. He ripped it to shreads instead, roughly kissing my neck sending shivers down my spine. He grazed his fangs along my neck causing me to moan with pleasure which only turned him on more. I fumbled with the clasp on his jeans and undid the zip and slid them down. They fell to the floor before he tore my jeans off. He pressed himself agains my inner thigh and a moan escaped my lips.

He smiled into the kiss as he fumbled with the clasp on my bra. I arched my back to make it easier for him. He chucked it across the room somewhere pressing his bare chest against mine. I ran one hand through his hair and let the other travel down his chest to rest on his 'friend'. He gasped and lost a little control. He sank his fangs into my neck, making my back arch pressing myself to him more. I stifled a moan and tangled both my hands in his hair keeping his face to my neck. He finally pulled away, bringing his lips to mine again and he ripped my panties off. I slid his boxers off onto the floor without breaking the kiss. He pulled away from me pushing the hair off my face and looked right at me.

"Are you sure?" he whispered. I bit my lip and nodded to him. He smiled and kissed me as he positioned himself between my legs. I felt him enter me gently at first, speeding up until we were both gasping and moaning with pleasure. He had one hand on the small of my back and the other on my thigh while i had one in his hair and the other between his shoulder blades. I shivered with pleasure as we both climaxed. Damon nibbled on my bottom lip before pulling out and resting on top of me, pulling a blanket over us still wrapped in each oth ers embrace.