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Okay so i know i'm late uploadin, i was gonna do it yesterday but i had a lot to drink and passed out. This week has been pretty crap tbh. I got fired on sunday and i have to see my psychiatrist on the 28th of june. (yes i see a psychiatrist, all the best people do! get over it!) so anyway it might be about a week before i post again and i'm sorry this chapter is short but at least you got something :) please vote/message/fan i'd really appreciate it.

Last thing! this chapter is dedicated to hailsrocks123abc because you seemed to notice the music i put at the side and you loved the glee vid as much as i did :) your comments make me smile and make me want to write so thankyou :)


"I'm sorry sweetheart she'll come around soon" Damon told me the next afternoon. We didn't go on our double date because Hayden was having a very hard time trying to convince Chanel the castle wasn't a mental institute. I guess i could see her point. I'd think the same if someone told me that my best friend was a vampire. I had an understanding when i was told. I freaked out a little, built a bridge, got over it and accepted it. Chanel will do the same... I hope.

"It's okay" i sighed and lay down on the couch in the living room with my head on Damon's lap and my legs dangling over the edge. Luckily for me i didn't have to train today, Darius was called away on some urgent business. Damon gently stroked my hair and we stayed that way for a while, in silence.

"I have a surprise for you" Damon looked down at me.

"I hate surprises... You know that" i told him with a slight glare.

"I know you do, but i have a feeling you'll like this one. So do you want to see?" he smiled a little.

"If i must" i sighed and rolled off the sofa and onto the floor. Damon laughed at my attempt at getting up before he picked me up and set me on my feet. He took my hand and led me from the room towards the back of the palace.

"Where are we going?" i asked suspiciously.


"Oh you're so full of information" i whined. Damon opened a solid wood door and led me down a few flights of steps. All i could see was an extremely tall hedge with a gap to walk through.

"Okay close your eyes" he said as we stopped.

"Why? What are you going to do?" i asked and eyed him suspiciously. Seriously he better not draw on me with sharpies.

"Oh for god sake" he came up behind me and put his hands over my eyes.

"What are you doing? I can't see a fucking thing!" i said angrily.

"Just walk" he sighed and nudged me to walk forward. I did as i was told and walked forward. After a few minutes we came to a stop. Damon removed his hands from my eyes. I had to blink a few times to adjust to the sunlight. As i took in the surroundings i gasped.

"Damon.... What are they?" i asked as i stared around the small field full of pink flowers.

"They're called bleeding hearts. I was going to bring you here last night but i thought after Chanel freaking out you'd appreciate it more today" he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and rested his head on my left shoulder.

"You are amazing, have i ever told you that?" i whispered, still staring at the flowers in the field.

He kissed my cheek in response. I turned around in his arms and kissed him.

"I love you" he whispered against my lips.

"I love you too" i whispered back and smiled as i pulled away. We sat down in the shade under a tree. I sat on Damon's lap since i was terrified of anything with more than four legs (not just spiders but ants and all other alien-like creatures).