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okay soooo the first few chapters are a little short since i first wrote this on quizilla! So i promise they do get longer from rougly chapter 7 or 8?  so bare with me and please vote/fan/comment i'd really appreciate it :) thanks much love! xx



My alarm started screaming at me signalling 7:30am. I grumbled and rolled over patting around for the alarm until i accidently hit it and it fell on the floor... At least it wasnt screaming for me to get up anymore. Not like i needed to be up this early it was a saturday so i didnt need to be up. I attempted to go back to sleep, and as i was about to drift off i heard someone open my bedroom door. I kept my eyes closed and pretended to be asleep still. "kat?" i heard my mothers voice call.

I stayed still wanting to go back to sleep. "kat?" i heard again a little louder. Again i stayed silent. I heard her step into the room and softly walk to the edge of my bed. "kat? Honey you need to get up now" she said. After a quick argument with myself i opened my eyes and looked at her and sighed. She was dressed up and her lovely blonde hair was up in a french roll.

"I didn't know this time existed on saturdays" i said as she rolled her eyes.

"I need you to get up, we have visitors arriving in A few hours and you need to be presentable. Your future depends on this" she said and stepped out of the room. I huffed and dragged myself out of bed straight to the mirror. I took a good long look at myself and groaned again. My long black hair looked like a birds nest, my layers were all over the place and my jagged cut bangs looked the same as always. I looked like a freakin panda with my lack of sleep. I sighed, took a shower and brushed my teeth. Now came the problem... what to wear?! I made my way over to my wardrobe and started to pull things out. In the end i put on black leggings, an extra long black top with a multi-coloured outline of a tiger on it aswell as black swade wedge heel ankle boots. I dried my hair and added a bit of foundation, concealer under my eyes and lined my eyes with thick black liner and added black waterproof mascara. Once i decided i looked half decent i put on a black waterfall cardigan and went to find my mother. I found her in the kitchen, i sat at a stool at the breakfast bar as she handed me a glass of orange juice. I took a sip and looked at her. "So whats so important i had to be woken up at an ungodly hour for?" i asked her raising an eyebrow. She looked at me and pursed her lips.

"We always new this day would come kat, and today is that day" she said. I looked at her blankly. I mean that REALLY explained alot.

She carried on speaking after a minute of silence, "Today your going to meet your future mother and father-in-law, they are coming with their son Damon who will be your future husband and your moving in with them today" she said. I just sat there, my mom and dad always said they had arranged for me to get married from since i can remember, i just didnt think they really meant it. I felt nauseaus and a little nervous.

 "Honey are you okay? You look a little pale" my mom asked. I looked at her, shook my head and blinked back a few tears.

"I always new i was a mistake to you mom but i never thought you really would marry me off to someone to get rid of me" i told her and got up. I walked away just as the doorbell rang. As upset and angry as i was i went to answer it, my mom never tried to comfort me or deny anything that i said to her. She really didnt care.

I opend the door and in front of me stood 3 people. One man around the age of 35 and a slightly younger woman around 33, she was gourgeous, she had golden brown eyes and soft brown hair falling around her shoulders, and next to her was a man around 20. He had shocking blue eyes and messy black hair. He looked right into my eyes and i felt like he was looking right into my soul.I stood for a few moments in awe of how hot he was before i mumbled hello and stood aside to let them in.

"Liz!" my mom called from behind me and walked up to the brunette woman, they shook hands, then my mom moved onto the man, "Gabe" she said and shook his hand then she moved onto the other guy. "Damon! It's lovely to meet you at last! I'm Marie and this is my daughter Kat" she said whilst shoving me forward towards him.

 I stopped just in front of him as he held out his hand for me to shake. I just stared at it long enough for him to withdraw it and hastily shove it in his pocket. Although i couldnt see my mother i could feel her glare on my back. My mom ushered everyone into the living room while offering everyone beverages. It turned out no one wanted anything so we all sat in a very awkward silence for a few moments.

"So kat, are you happy about coming to live with us and Damon?" Liz asked turning towards me. Everyone looked at me expectantly.

"What is there to be happy about?" i aksed. "I only found out this morning im being married off to someone i dont know. I'm not sure how i should feel about it but pissed off sounds right to me" i said.

"That is no way to speak to your future mother-in-law young lady! You apologize right now!" my mother chatacised. I looked at her and looked back at Liz again. "I'm sorry i didnt know i was marrying your son" i said, then i turned back to my mother. "Happy now?" i asked. I got up and left the room to go to my room as i heard my mother shouting at me to pack my things quickly. I heard footsteps behind me as i entered my room. I sat on my bed and waited for who ever it was to come in. When i looked at who it was i was a little suprised. I looked straight into the bright blue eyes of Damon.