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Thank you to everyone that has commented and voted and this is just for you. If I do write a sequel it will be in the distant future as I'm busy writing some new books for everyone to enjoy (their sitting in my drafts waiting to be uploaded) so I hope this makes everyone feel special. Thanks again Gingerninjar98 xxx

A little girls PoV:

"Mummy what are we doing?" I mind linked her as I hid in my tiny puppy form behind her huge wolf, front right leg, under her tummy for more protection and I was hidden from the golden eyed vampire coven in front of us but for some reason they weren't attacking us like all the other vampires have.

We were in Forks, Washington and here there is deep green forests for us to live in un-noticed from the humans. But our peace had been disturbed by this coven. There was about 9 vampires and judging by the one different cent I'm guessing a shifter too, just like me and mummy. But one of the vampires smelt less like full vampire and mixed very faintly with human. A brown haired girl with almost brown eyes that had gold woven into them... but golden eyes all the same.

I'm not very old, only 6 months, which is why mummy is more protective than ever over me but also because she and daddy told me that I was going to be having a baby brother soon which was why mummy's tummy was starting to swell. That was before daddy went to sleep after protecting me from a big group of red eyed vampires. Mummy said he would have a very long nap and won't wake up for anyone because he is that tired... not even for me... his little sunshine. That was the main reason why we left England, because mummy said that daddy wanted us to leave him behind and that this was why we where here, she said it all began here and she felt drawn here, like a moth to a flame.

"It's okay baby mummy will never let anything hurt you" she whispered in my head but I still cringed away when I spotted through mummy's thick black fur that the golden eyed coven had us surrounded. I'd never seen the golden eyes before and they better be nicer than the red eyed ones.

Moving on my feet so that I could try to keep my weight off my front left paw I gave a small, high pitched howl of pain when I put pressure on it. A nasty vampire thought it would be funny to crush my paws but mummy disagreed and before he had a chance to hurt me more she ripped him to sheds and her magic teeth that turned him into ash. He only managed to hurt my left paw.

I lost my balance and accidentally fell into the soft snow pillow on the ground that covers the large area that were standing in. Instantly mummy pushed me further under her as she sinks to attack when the vampires react to my now obvious presence and she pushes her paw under me so I can lie on her paw instead of the ground. She gives me quick sloppy lick with her pink tongue to check if I'm okay but never takes her eyes off the vampires as I give her a small lick back on her chin to show that I'm fine. I can't run with my injured paw and still only being a puppy means that I can't run fast enough to escape a vampire anyway so mummy has to carry my by my scruff if we have to flee and I feel her preparing herself to do just that. She can't fight with me here.

The blond man steps forward and a earth trembling growl emits from mummy above me, her razor sharp teeth being revealed as her snout moved upwards with the growl. The blond man stops and holds up his hand in surrender. "Let me help you" he says gently and I can tell that mummy is confused because no vampire has ever been nice to us before so she growls even loader at him, "I'm a doctor please let me help" he pleads but he looks like he's refraining himself from revealing further information.

I cower away further into mummy's fur because I'm scared. Scared of the unknown and her warmth takes away that fear. Sensing my motion mummy begins go back slowly away, growling at each of them. I can't look anymore so I clamp my eyes shut and prepare for the fighting, crying quietly to mummy I grab onto her fur with my tiny baby teeth to get a better grip as she sinks even lower into her defensive stance, almost crushing me with her swollen belly. "Mummy's here baby, mummy will protect you" she soothes me as gently as she can.

"You child is scared and injured, please let us help" a different man speaks and mummy's ear lift up in surprise as the amount of recognition she sees and hears from him. Her body freezes in confusion and I can feel her being torn between listening to them or fleeing to the safety of the tree line some 600 meters behind us.

Gently mummy places me on the snow covered ground and instantly I begin pining and crying loudly for her whilst trying to reach out to her with my teeth and claws but fear has me trembling like a leaf and also has me frozen in place as she hovers over me with her body. Quickly she shifts into her pale skinny human form with bright ginger hair that is tangled but sits at her waist with bright green eyes and plump pink lips with a horrid scar that stretches across her pretty face. The scar is accompanied by many bite and scratch scars across her entire body off all the fighting she does to protect the innocent and those she loves.

Briskly she pulls a large grey jumper over her body and swollen tummy that she had tied around her ankle before and then picks me up and holds me close. I don't bother to shift because I'm more vulnerable and at least in my grey wolf form my bite can paralyse a vampire and when I grow older and stronger like mummy, my bite will be able to kill.

I grip onto her tightly with my claws and trembling teeth as my entire forms shakes with fear, still crying but much loader now absolutely petrified of what's to come.

"You're the clan that electrocuted me all those years ago! Tell me why I should trust you now more than what I did then?" Mummy's voice is full of power and dominance but she gently rocks me in her left arm as I push my way as far as I can into the crease at her shoulder trying to escape the now freezing cold without mummy's thick fur and the vampires behind me.

I'm quickly becoming cold due to my young age and injury so all my strength is leaving me rapidly just like the heat from my once incubated body from mummy. Never have I wanted to be cuddled up deep in her fur so badly before. My grip on the jumper slips and mummy instantly holds me closer to her. The vampires seem to be mesmerised by mummy's bump and me in her arms that the forget to answer, "Do you expect me to stand here all day while my pup slowly freezes to death or are you going to open your rotten mouths and talk!" Mummy shouts at them as she rubs her hand over my body to try and stimulate some heat. "Not much longer baby I promise. I promise Ellen, I promise" she says kindly in my heard whilst using my name to try and bring a little more comfort.

The blond man begins to speak, "Yes we where there 40 years ago when that unfortunate incident occurred but it was not us, it was one of our cousins from another clan who panicked fearing that you would hurt yourself. I promise she only had good intentions but that is why we let you go. If we wanted to we could have kept you prisoner but we didn't because we are not like that" he says sympathetically. Whilst thinking over his words mummy lifts me up and pulls open the large collar of the jumper and pushes me inside up against her warm breast where instantly I began to feel much warmer and safer as she continues to support me through the jumper with her hand, "thank you mummy" I mind link her.

"We will provide for any of your needs and you are free to leave whenever you want" a young girls voice rings out like a bell across the open field and mummy cuts her off before she can speak any further.

"I recognise all of you but you the most. It's as if we once knew each other" mummy says to the pretty girl I know is talking
"It's because we're all your family" she says and both mummy and I freeze at those words. I can hear her heartbeat dramatically increase its pace as it thuds against my body through her chest like a cadged animal trying to escape.

"I will stay for only 48 hours but if I feel as though you are not trust worthy I will kill whoever poses a threat and leave, understood?" Mummy's voice rings out loudly and I can feel the small amount of entrapment building in her chest as we slowly begin to advance towards the golden eyed coven.

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