Chapter 12

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Niki's pov

I'm officially 100 years old! It doesn't feel like I've been around for a hundred years. But I was frozen looking like a 18year old. Which Im grateful about. I was in charge of keeping the vampire world under control. It was easy. The humans got suspicious and I stepped in. All vampires know that something very dangerous hunts them down if they do something wrong, and I've programmed (yes programmed) all vampires to fear stepping out of line. But I'm hardly ever needed. I'm doing a much better job than the Voltouri ever did!

I was taking a soothing shower when I got a strange pang in my stomach. It was painful! It lasted less than a second so I ignored it. I'd been getting them recently but I hadn't told anyone. When the pains started Alice couldn't see me in anyone's future. I was slightly worried. The pains were getting worse! And Stronger!

I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind and put on the deep purple dress Alice had picked out for me. It flared out from the waist and hugged the top half of my body. It had small diamond sequins dotted around the corset. I had matching purple high heels that I didn't even know what to call! They were so high! I tiptoed out my room and down the stairs. I was met by a worried sister, she was wearing the exact same dress as me but a deep green. She looked amazing,

"Niki I can't find anyone!" She was almost crying. I smirked. They were going to surprise us! I winked at my sister and suddenly she understood. "It's okay Renesmee. Come on, we'll go to the reservation instead." I heard someone grind their teeth together. I followed the noise into our very high ceilinged lounge (we moved to Alaska 4 years ago so we got a new home) I then looked up. And what do I see?! The whole Cullen and Denali clan gripping onto various parts of the roof, or each other, about to jump on us and surprise us.

"Hi guys. What you doing up there?" I teased. They looked annoyed. They went to jump down but I held them up there with my shield. Momma was the only one who dropped to the ground.

"Happy birthday girls" she chimed in her beautiful voice. She hugged us tightly. Then I made everyone fall heavily to the ground. For vampires they were rubbish at free falling! They all screamed like girls! Mom, Renesmee and I all laughed at the pile of vampires I had created in the floor.

"Surprise!" Emmet groaned as he wrestled his way from the bottom of the pile. Everyone couldn't help but laugh. Em is the funniest uncle ever!

"Since that failed," Alice bounced but sending a playful glare in my direction,"it's time for PRESENTS!!" She squealed, handing us both a thin rectangle, jewellery box. We opened it and gasped. Inside we both had a thin silver necklace with our names on it, which had small diamonds on the last letter of our names to make it look like they shine or sparkle like a diamond in the light.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" We both squealed. Brining Alice and Jasper into two very tight hugs. We pulled back and smiled giddily. This birthday was so cool already!

We opens the rest of our presents, which were so cool! We both got matching clothes and hair accessories, but in different colours. From Alice and Jasper. Rosalie and Emmet got us both the new iPod touch. Mine was a luscious purple and Renesmee's was a light green. Esme and Carlisle got us tickets to see the movie premiere 'love at second sight' (its really a book by Cathy Hopkins). The Denali's got us both 5 silver bangles that each had a sentence about us from each of them engraved on. That made me smile.

Then it came to my parents. They'd been acting suspicious lately. Then from behind their backs, they each brought out a pair of keys! "AHHHH!" I screamed, I couldn't control my excitement! They gave us the keys, after a tight, very quick hug, before racing off to the garage. I couldn't believe it! After so long I was finialy getting something I could drive! "Stuff the Volvo I'm driving from now on!" I screamed. Everyone just laughed at me, I was like a three year old at Christmas. That's what I felt like!

Bursting through the garage door, there were two vehicles under dust proof sheets. One was purple and the other green. I guessed mine was the purple and ran over to it, pulling the purple sheet off quickly it soon showed me my dream vehicle, a Kawasaki ninja motorcycle in a deep purple. It looked amazing. I began screaming uncontrollably! Then giggling like mad! I was so happy! Tears of joy were running down my face as I jumped around in a little circle.

Eventually I calmed down and looked at Renesmee. She seemed to be on the same high I was on. I've always been more of a tomboy, but when it came to vehicles, Renesmee was just as much of a tomboy as me! Her Kawasaki Ninjar was a brilliant green. She suited it!

"Do we have any leathers?" I whispered to my family,who were currently standing in the garage doorway, giggling at my voice breaking. Then ,as if by magic, Alice and mom came into the garage with sexy looking black bike leathers. They had silver studs along the seems and a gold ivy patten across them.

"Thank you!" Me and Renesmee both squeaked at the same time. This was amazing. We both quickly dashed upstairs to our room to get changed. Within seconds, I was standing in front of the mirror with my leathers on, jeans and a white t-shirt underneath. The leather stuck tightly to my skin, showing all my curves. The ivy pattern swirled and weaved across my whole body. The silver studs made me look like a rebel! I looked hot! My ginger hair was hanging perfectly straight down my back to my waist. I couldn't wait to feel the wind thrashing around in it. My big black bike boots had silver skulls all over as the patterns. I loved them!

I grabbed my keys and dashed down the stairs. I've always wanted a motorbike! I loved the speed! I could hear Renesmee in the garage already, I couldn't wait to join her! I skipped into the garage with a massive smile on my face. Mom handed me a black helmet that fitted perfectly. I gave her and dad a quick hug before jumping on my bike and pushing in the keys. The engine roared into life. I started smiling like a crazy professor. I revved the engine and loved the way it roared, loader than a lion. Then suddenly I was off! The wind dancing through my long hair behind me. I easily weaved through the bends in the track that lead to the main road. I looked over my shoulder to see Renesmee having a blast.

"This! Is! AMAZING!" She screamed in my head. I had to laugh

"I CAN'T BELEIVE WE GOT A NINJA" I screamed playfully back at her. Then we got to the main road. I turned right, heading towards town, "race ya to town" I challenged

"How could I refuse?!" Renesmee accepted. Then I was pushing the limits. Flying round corners and bends. Tilting from one side to the other. Hovering only inches from the fast moving ground. I loved the rush. At one point Renesmee overtook me. But within a minuet I was back in the lead!

4 short minuets later we pulled up in town. Everyone was staring. I pulled up and lifted off my helmet, shaking my hair in the crisp cool breeze. Renesmee did the same with her luscious long chocolate brown hair. I could hear everyone of the stupid humans gasp at our beauty. That's why I love being immortal!



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