Chapter 4

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3 weeks later. Niki's pov

Well I have given up searching. After a few days I started to question myself; What exactly would I do when I found the Voltouri? If I killed them that would make me even more of a monster than I already am and the vampire world would go to war over power. Humans would be eliminated and everything would be destroyed. So I couldn't really kill them without someone in pace as heir! I couldn't take that place. So I decided to go to the Amazon. In Italy I'd herd it come up in many conversations. I wanted to check it out. So I found a forest 10 miles from the city of Verona, the last place I searched, and phased into my wolf self.

I hardly noticed the pain anymore. I was used to it. Bones snapping then bending and joining at weird angles. I took one last look around to see of anyone saw me before I took off. I clawed deeply into the ground as I ran. Mud and debri flew up behind me at my speed. Nothing could beat the thrill of a great run. Nothing. The hot temperature was pushing right into my muzzle. It was soothing. My body knew where to go so I let my mind wander at the changing scenery and look easily at, in detail, all the animals and plants I passed in milliseconds.

After a few hours I came to a sudden stop. I had come across a fresh vampire sent! Minuets old! I quickly phased back to my normal self, the bones easily re-aligning. Thankfully the small white dress I snatched from a hotel room was still intact. Barefoot I followed the sent. Quickly I came upon two women. They looked native to the land. Their hair was black, one had frizzy hair like an Afro but the other's hair was long and straight with a few small braids in it. They were obviously vampires, I could tell that even with their back turned. They had such grace as they moved, walking at human pace through the forest and their voices were like a perfect harmony. I quickly caught up with them.

"Hi" I greeted cheerfully. This was my first real interaction with a vampire and I didn't really know how to act.

"Hello child" the one with frizzy hair replied in a strange accent.

"I'm Niki, may I know your names please?" I asked as politely as I could, even if my grammar was off a little.

"I'm Zafrina" the woman with straight hair said. She towered over me with her height, " and this is my sister Senna. Nice to meet you young one. Please, join us on our walk."she offered.

"I'd be obliged to" I smiled at them. After a few steps Senna spoke "you're a Cullen aren't you!" She stated rather than questioned.

I felt my eyes widen. "How did you guess?" I kept my tone neural

"The way you speak my dear and your eyes. The Cullens and that other covern in Alaska are the only ones who drink animal blood. Also you look like the young Edward"

"I do?" Even though I knew, I didn't know my farther was that obvious in me.

"Yes. You have his face and lips young one" she said.

"He's my farther" I said to them. They stopped in their traks and embedded their crimson eyes into my golden ones.

"Your farther?!"Zafrina said, stunned at my claim.

"Yep. I was carried and conceived by my human mother along with my twin. We were born and my mother was changed." I sighed.

"So why are you here? Shouldn't you be at home?"Zafrina asked again

"I have no home Zafrina! I escaped before anyone knew I was alive to let my sister live an easy life with them. They wouldn't have been able to manage with twins and my mother changing." Senna looked at me with narrowed eyes

"How did you get away? One of them would surely have seen you." Senna asked. My reply was turning myself invisible. They gasped. I tapped Zafrina on the shoulder. She sun around at vampire speed to look at nothing. I stood I front of them before becoming visible again. "That is quite a power young one. Your immune to my power too I see." Zafrina said. "Am i?"

"Yes I can make people see what I want them to see. Such as I can take their sight away by making them see nothing, or I can blind them with a bright light." She said. "Wow" was all I managed to say.

We walked and talked about our lives for a good few hours. I found out I was in Pantanal wetlands, Amazon, South America and that Senna and Zafrina lived by themselves. "Would you like to stay with us young one?" Zafrina asked. I figured that she was the coven leader as she often took the lead in the conversation.

"Only if you don't mind me staying" I said happy that someone wanted me around, who wasn't family. "Yes I'd love to" I properly confirmed.

"We'll let's go home then" Senna said before they both took of East. I easily caught up with them using my vampire speed.

Minuets later we came across a cleared area in the forest. Two home made tents were standing around a circle if large stones. Zafrina and Senna sat on a rock each. Senna signalled for me to sit with them.

Zafrina turned to me "you can hunt as much as you want, just as long as you don't attract too much attention and you can stay with us as long as you want young child" Zafrina said. Senna nodded in agreement. "Thank you" was all a said.

The women looked at each other before nodding in agreement. This time Senna talked,"Niki we have heard I news that the Volturi are going to kill your family," I growled "they are travelling the world, trying to find people that will stand with them. We would like to join and will be leaving in a few days. You can come if you wish." I thought about it for a second," I'll come but I wish to stay in the shadows. I will stay invisible unless you wish to see me. I will stay invisible so nobody's power will pick me up such as Alice. I already have a shield. I could try and focus on a mental shield and hopefully I will be able to control one as I already have a mental shield in place." Zafrina spoke "we will be leaving tomorrow young one. Please prepare yourself." And with that Zafrina went into the tent. I talked to Senna for a few minuets before I groaned. "What is it child" Senna asked, sounding concerned. "I'm about to grow." I moaned. And as if on que, I started growing from my 10 year old body to a 14 year olds. The plain white dress I had on fit perfectly now as it was too big a second ago. My ginger hair now reached jut past my waist, naturally straight. My face had thinned and I now had curves. "I grow every now and then! But I'm immortal. Once I reach the body of a eighteen year old I will stop. That's about one more growth spurt I think" I said calmly to a shocked Senna and Zafrina who had come out of the tent to watch me grow. "Let's go hunting" was all Zafrina whispered.

So we ran through the trees and bushes. The girls looking for lost humans and I animals, which were everywhere.

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