New faces

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I woke up to my limbs throbbing, my legs ached like nobody's business. I was in a room i didn't recognize, and promptly sat up and stood, despite the protests of my legs.

I was still in my clothes at least, and the floor to ceiling window showed it was morning.. how long was i out for?

Footsteps approach the door and i tense, hiding behind the wall near the door and hoping to be able to juke and outrun whoever was approaching.

When the door slid open and the bee girl walked into the room, i slipped out behind her and shut the door to buy more time. I heard her startled shout, but simply ran ahead, taking random sharp turns and gaining distance.

I knew those people seemed to be against rouge, but that didn't mean they were safe by any means. For all i know they intended to do something simular to me as rouge had in mind, or even worse.

The whole reason i left for jump city is to avoid people after me, but everywhere i went seemed to only bring more people to chase me.

Up ahead i see orange haired boy run from around the corner, bow on his back. I slid to a stop a few feet before him, slowly walking back. He puts his hands up, taking slow steps towards me.

"Easy princess, I'm not gonna hurt you." He said. "The name's speedy, im not your enemy."

The frantic thrum of my heart begins to calm, before the black haired boy ran from around the corner and crashed into speedy, sending them both toppling.

"You idiot! I almost got them to chill!" Speedy yelled, pushing the other off of him.

"Well maybe you shouldn't have stood where you cant be seen until you turn the corner!" The black haired boy retorts, the two then glaring at each-other.

I felt a tug on my pants, and see the twins from before. Surprisingly i don't feel like they're a threat, after they helped me the other time with escaping madame rouge.

"Hey! Good morning." They both chimed, and i just looked at them confused while the two other boys fought.

"Im más!"

"And im menos." The duo introduces themselves and i shake their hands hesitantly, slowly warming up to the little guys.

"Sorry about the boys." I jump a few feet at the hand on my shoulder. "Oops, sorry.. " its the bee girl.

"Im bumblebee, the twins already introduced themselves, and those two fighting are speedy in the red and aqualad in the blue." She explained as i calmed from the scare.

She held out a hand, which i shook with hesitance. Speedy shoved aqualad, sauntering over and offering a hand as well. I take his, only to have him raise it to his lips and kiss the back of it.

"Nice to meet you, care for dinner sometime?" He asks, before bumblebee smacks him upside the head.

"As she said, im aqualad, its nice to meet you." The other stated, but i hesitate to take his hand. "Its okay, unlike speedy i have boundaries." He said, and i took his hand with a silent chuckle.

"Quiet fishboy, last time i checked you're just chicken." Speedy snarks.

"Its.. nice to meet you all i guess.. my name is y/n." I said quietly.

"Ooohhh pretty name." The twins said, once again confusing me.

"I like it, it suits ya. If you could I'd like to know why rouge was after you." Bumblebee said.

"Stretchy lady? I-" my legs buckled and i wobbled for a second, the twins rushing to grab my hands and hold me up slightly. "Damn, guess that isn't healed." I chuckled despite the throbbing pain.

"Lets take this somewhere comfier, cmon." Bumblebee puts my arm around her shoulder and all but carries me to what looked like a massive living room.

There were pools of water, a huge screen, kitchen, couches and other furniture scattered around the room, bumblebee set me on the couch like i was made of glass.

"Rouge, i guess she was after me because she said something about wanting an apprentice. I might've considered it if she didn't try to kidnap me on our first meeting." I shrugged.

"Shes a villain, and my guess is that she was after you for that thing you did with the dumpster." Aqualad said. "If you dont mind me asking, how exactly did you do that?"

I huffed a silent sigh. "My parents had powers not different from mine, and got together for the sole reason of making an even stronger child. I have both their abilities but can barely control them." I explained.

"I see. Sorry that happened to you." Aqualad responded.

"Don't say sorry, its not like its your fault and besides I've kinda gotten over it." I smiled, and i swear his cheeks took on a pinkish hue.

"Well if you wouldn't mind, we would like to keep you here, its a lot less likely that madame rouge will try to find you and even if she does we'll be close by." Bumblebee offered.

"Ive been just wandering for a while now, maybe it would be nice to settle. Sure, I'll stay if its fine by all of you." I answered.

"Of course it's fine, you can even room with me~" speedy offered with a pink face before getting pushed by the twins.

"You'll get your own room don't worry about bunking with mister hot shot here." Bumblebee affirms.

I laughed slightly at his pout. "Maybe we'll have a sleepover or something." I smiled.

"Come on we'll show you around!" The twins smiled and took my hands, leading me around the tower.

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