Mumbo jumbo

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News about a bank robbery led to us standing in said bank, staring down a green man with a top hat and wand. He looked strange in my opinion.

"Titans? No matter, ive mastered some tricks." Mumbo smirked, and a brawl began. I focused on getting any hostages out safely before the magician seemed to be done playing, and his hat opened like a black hole sucking everyone inside.

I came to in what looked like a human sized bird cage. I saw that i was placed on a pedestal like some sort of trophy and that my friends were below, on a table while mumbo was gigantic.

"Lookie here, your little friend woke up." He grinned, giving me a flourished wave. "You'll make an excellent assistant for my performance."

"She isnt gonna help you with anything." Bee darted towards him, but was trapped under a cup followed by the others. "Bee!" I clutched the cage bars, anxiously watching him mix the cups around, before removing them.

My friends had become animals, literal animals. Speedy looked to be some sort of coyote, the twins resembling small calico cats, bumblebee a literal bee and aqualad a sea snake. They still had some humanoid features like standing upright and arms, their suits and some other bits but besides those were unrecognizable.

They all looked at themselves in shock, but snapped their gazes back to me as the cage was picked up causing me to yelp.

"Y/n!" I heard several voices yell as i was carried into the dark.

Once it was light again i looked to be in a backstage area, mumbo stood before me. "You my dear, will be my charming assistant for the show. Get ready, i hope you dont have stage fright." He said before walking off and leaving me alone.

-with the titans-

"This cannot be real." Bumblebee scowled, pulling at her antenna and wincing.

"Hate to break it to you, but this seems pretty real." Speedy said, aqualad struggling to stay upright now lacking legs.

"He took y/n! We have to find them!" The twins said, determined. But them the light flickered and they found themselves no longer on the giant table, but under a spotlight in darkness.

Aqualad struggled upright, before looking at his scaled hands in disbelief. "I hate this." He said simply.

"Well we cant fix this until we find mumbo and get y/n back, come on." Speedy said, before heading into the dark to search for an exit.

It took the team some time but they found a wooden door despite there not being any wall. It opened and led to a street outside a theatre, in what looked like an old fashioned city.

"Out of one trick, into another." Bee sighed, before sirens could be heard wailing. A large truck with barred windows screeched to a halt before several hands walking on the index and middle finger emerge.

"Titans go!" Bee ordered, attempting to fly but only managing to nearly crash.

Speedy reached for his bow out of reflex, finding the weapon gone and replaced with a prop, before being apprehended.

Aqualad tried bending water, with no result, before a hand yanked him by the tail and another pinned his mouth shut.

The twins attempted to dash, finding that their powers were also useless. All the titans were thrown into the van and it drove off.

They were caged, much like their friend and hauled backstage where they could see mumbo standing with y/n who was held by a pair of hands.

"Y/n! Let her go!" Speedy growled, clutching the bars of the cage.

"So, here's the deal." Mumbo smirked "you help with my performance and your little friends will be perfectly fine. You refuse and i cant guarantee their safety."

I stood motionless, before getting a glimpse at my transformed friends. I nodded silently, to mumbos delight.

"Excellent, shows on in five." He walked off and the hands followed, releasing my arms. I rush to the cage and put my hands on the bars, my teamates on the other side.

"Im scared." I couldn't keep my voice steady, shaking slightly. I had no idea what kind of show mumbo was putting on, but I didn't want to be apart of it.

"It'll be okay princess, find a way out of here and we'll-" speedy started but i shook my head.

"Im not leaving you guys in here alone, ill find some way to fix this i promise." I said shakily, bee grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a hug, the others joining.

"You'll be okay, if he lays a hand on you we'll kick his butt to next year." Aqualad reassured me.

"Youve got this! Give them the show of a lifetime!" The twins cheered.

I was grabbed and dragged away by the hands, thrashing as my friends called after me. Then i was pushed towards the stage, almost falling flat on my face before mumbo caught my hand and spun me around.

The crowd cheered at my appearance, and i eyed the props on the stage. There was a large basket, a hoop, what looked like a heavy barbell over a few hundred pounds, and a diving board.

"For our first trick, the magic of cats landing on their feet." Mumbo grinned, and i see a hand carry out the twins. They're brought to the top of the diving board, and dropped. They land perfectly and run to stop mumbo.

"Isnt it just astounding, even scince cant prove why they do that." He announced.

The twins are removed and bumblebee is dragged onto stage. In my focus on my friend i dont notice the weight being lifted above my head.

"Bees are quite strong little fellows, observe."

It drops as the hand releases, and she flies over grabbing it before it hits me. I flinched, and with a wave of his hand the weight is gone along with my friend.

"Simply incredible."

I see speedy is brought out, the hoop being lit on fire while mumbo stands with a grip on my shoulder across the other side.

"Now for a classic."

Speedy of course jumps through, going to bite mumbo but being pulled away last second.

"And for a grand finale, snake charming." Mumbo said, the basket opening and showing aqualad, who quickly glimpsed his surroundings and rushed towards me, his tail coiled around me like a wall and i heard him hiss at mumbo.

His arms were wrapped around my torso, head above mine and eyes locked on the magician.

"Seems like my dear assistant is so lovely even snakes adore her." Mumbo says, but as the hand comes for aqualad he manages to send it flying with a powerful smack from his tail, i see shredded bits of the gloves from the hands before the others run back on stage.

Mumbo is outnumbered, and as he attempts another trick, speedy knocks the wand from his hand.

I snag it off the floor, before snapping it. "Shows over." I muttered, mentally and physically exhausted.

I feel like im falling, and i land on the bank floor, where police are apprehending mumbo. I lay there as my friends approach and upon being asked if im okay i respond.

"I never wanna see a magician again."

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