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Today didnt feel good. I was homesick big time and missing my family, but knew going back was a death sentence.

I took out frustration by training hard, and improving my abilities the best i could. I could improvise flight by standing on an object i made float, i could mend wounds and my strength was improving.

Eventually, using my powers alone reminded me too much of my family, so i opted to take a break for the day before i over exerted myself.

Now sitting at the kitchen counter, i silently drank my (drink) and thought about my parents and past, my abilities and all that.

Something didn't feel right, between my iffy mood and just a gut feeling i was uneasy. My thoughts were quieted as bee walked over, looking concerned.

"You okay? You've been staring at the floor so hard i thought you had a grudge against it." She joked, lightening my mood.

"No, I'm just tired." I said, feeling awful and wanting to spew everything to her but not wanting to put that stress on her. "Look at this." I said, before using my powers to lift the kitchen stools, the fridge and appliances.

"Impressive, you're getting tough arent ya?" She smiled and ruffled my hair.

"Guess so." I smiled.

We sat in a comfortable silence, before the door opened. "Hey sparky, hows it going?" Bee asked.

"We've figured out who made that robot stalker, theres reason to believe its brother blood." Cyborg replied, holding one of the scrap parts.

I shivered at the memory, rubbing my arms over my healed shoulders. "So whats the plan of action?" I asked.

"We're gonna do a deep search of the city to try and hunt blood down, hes bad news." Cyborg stated. "My team is out split searching as we talk-" he was cut off by an arrow barely missing him.

"Hey what was that for?!" He asked.

"We cant let you interfere with headmaster's plans." Bee said coldly, eyes glowing an unnatural red. The rest of the team behind her, eyes the same terrifying hue.

I backed up slowly, trying to process what was happening. Cyborg moved in front of me, and i cowered behind him like a scared kid behind their parent.

In secret i pressed the alert button on my communicator and sent the sos to robin and the others, hands shaking as i hid it again. "Headmaster is teaching us and soon he'll be teaching you, too." Bee said.

My friends lunged, and cyborg got tossed into the wall while i was grabbed around the waist by aqualad. I thrashed in his hold, terrified, before using my powers to hold aqualad still and pry him off.

His dark eyes now red, my heart beat against my ribcage. Something is terribly wrong. As cyborg was attacked by bumblebee, i knew i had to do something.

I lifted the fridge into the air, before hurling it to create a distraction. It worked and cyborg evaded bee's attack, but was knocked down by the twins.

Again i lifted the fridge with my powers, jumping on it and flying at cyborg, grabbing his hand and hauling him up with all my effort. I steered the fridge to evade bee, landing on the upper ledge.

Cyborg evaded bumblebee and tried to bring her back to reality, but to no avail as she kept attacking him relentlessly. To my horror the group had made it to the platform, and the twins sent cyborg flying through the glass railing, and into one of the water pools.

I hurled the fridge once more, at my friends before lunging over the edge and falling towards the pool. I was caught by bee, but removed her and hurtled into the water.

Aqualad seemed to be trying to drown cyborg, but upon taking notice of me in the water, some of the liquid raised, and i was in an air bubble.

I put my hands towards cyborg as energy crackled between them, and i saw the energy flow to cyborg, boosting him and letting him escape aqualad. I then used my power to blast myself into the air, falling before being caught by cyborg who ran out into the halls, i held the door shut with my powers.

I could hear my friends calling for me to open the door, and as my eyes watered cyborg placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. I nodded and we left, getting into the T car and going to the base of teen titans.

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