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I sat on starfire's bed, having had teleported into a park for a while before deciding crying by myself was doing no good. I wasnt sure that i was ready to see my friends again, so i came here.

Immediately upon teleporting into the living room i was grabbed and helped to the infirmary, where my wounds were treated and wrapped. I told them about my distress and they allowed me to stay here as long as i needed to recover.

Starfire had offered a sleepover, and reluctantly accepted, hoping to get my mind off of the situation. Currently raven and i were in starfire's room. Star had a movie playing, and everyone had piled on the bed.

I blankly looked at the screen, before shakily exhaling. They took notice of my demeanor.

"Friend y/n, its okay, we are here for you." Star hugged me, and to my surprise raven placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, bad things happen to all of us, we're here for as long as you need." She said.

We all watched the movie, laughing at the stupid jokes made as i began to nod off. My body slumped on the bed, falling asleep.

I awoke to starfire at the door, telling someone to not come in and leave. As my mind and eyes focused i realized it was my friends, and i slowly backed up on the sheets.

From this angle I couldn't be seen, but they must have tracked my communicator. I briefly considered throwing it out the window, before opting to turn locations off.

Star asked them to leave, and as i looked at the communicator, i saw messages from friends. I saw the titans east leave, and i knew that avoiding them while i sorted myself out was going to be hard.

The next morning felt strange, i was with a team but not my own. I went out in some baggy clothes to cover the bandages, and decided to explore the shops on the pier i had found interesting.

The team came with, and it ended with us getting pizza at some restaurant they swore was the greatest. It was true, the pizza was really damn good. I saw glimpses of what i thought was my team in the crowd, but the titans always seemed to hide me from their sight which i was grateful for.

After a day out doing fun things, i sat on the bed in starfire's room once more. She had delightedly offered another sleepover, but this time it was just the two of us since raven was meditating in her room.

Tomorrow, i decided, was the day i was going home. Funny how I considered the east tower my home after so long of not having one, always running from somebody.

I changed my bandages and spent the night getting ready to return to my friends, and watching the titans east group chat yell at eachother for letting their food burn.

The chat:

Queen bee: how did you manage to burn pasta theres literally directions on the box

Little mermaid: he forgot the water


Little mermaid: because it was funny

SpeedE: the directions didnt mention water

Thing one: boiling literally means cook with water

Thing two: if it were his hair itd be perfect

My profile icon lit up indicating i was in the chat, and it blew up.



thing two: WE ARE STARVING

little mermaid: please come back we miss you :(


Queen bee: im surrounded by idiots

Little mermaid: did you just call them bbg

SpeedE: snooze you lose fish stick

Thing one: speedy getting left on read

Thing two: as he should

Queen bee: aqualad is fighting speedy

*Queen bee Sent a video*

Queen bee: they all share one braincell, the twins are cheering on the fight

*y/n has logged off*

Queen bee: men (derogatory)

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