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I woke up before the sun rose, letting the titans know i was leaving before teleporting into the living room. Nobody was in my sight so i grabbed the medical kit and headed to the balcony platform to change my bandages in peace.

The glass railing had been repaired, and i plopped down with the kit. I heard something in the water, and somebody walking around, so i listened for a moment.

I couldn't quite hear the conversation so i peeked over the railing, seeing speedy in the kitchen and aqualad resting his arms on the edge of the pool. Unknowingly, the roll of bandages fell and both looked up to see me staring back.

"Y/N!" I heard them shout, both making a dash towards the elevator, and i faced the elevator doors, anxious. the doors barely got the chance to open before the boys tumbled out, scrambling to their feet.

I was tackled down, wincing at the protest from my wounds before smiling. They both began rambling about something and being sorry, but i just grabbed the backs of their costumes and pulled them back.

Glancing at their faces, (and double checking that their eyes werent red) i felt tears well up in my eyes as i smiled, pulling them both back into the hug with shaky arms.

"I missed you idiots so much you have no idea." My voice shook almost as much as my body, and i clung to the boys like a lifeline. After sitting for a few moments relishing in the company, i remembered the fact that i needed to finish changing my bandages.

And that they had fallen off the balcony.

I pulled away before looking over the edge, cursing for letting them fall. "My bandaids.." i groaned, slumping dramatically.

Speedy and aqualad rushed over, and frantically checked before seeing i was still conscious. I waved them off and went to stand, but was grabbed by the duo, and carried to the elevator.

"I can walk." I laughed. "With the state you're in, you aren't doing anything." Speedy scoffed.

"At least not until you're fully healed up." Aqualad added.

"Wow, you two getting along? Did i hit my head or something?" I laughed. I was sat on the kitchen counter, and the boys began trying to redo my bandages.

I glimpsed bee and the twins walk in, before they noticed my return and rushed over, shoving the boys aside. "Y/n! Youre okay!" Bee exclaimed, giving me a gentle hug to not agitate any scrapes.

"Yeah im fine, good to see you all too." I gave a soft grin, before bee shoved all the others to finish dressing my wounds. "Idiots didnt even wrap gauze right." She tsked.

I chuckled while aqualad and speedy tried to defend themselves, the twins mimicking bee and shunning them. After she finished i stood up for exactly one second before being grabbed again, and carried to the couch.

I was then engulfed in pillows and blankets, and i popped my head out of the pile, worming out before just sitting atop it. "Dontcha think thats a little much?" I asked, only to recieve shaken heads.

"You need your rest, no heavy work for you until youre all better." Bee ruffled my hair. I stuck out my tongue. "Cant stop me." I retorted.

"Cant stop you how?" The twins sass, but i teleported so that i was back at the door.

"Thats how." I snickered, running off before the realization set in and i was chased through the tower.

It felt good to be back.

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