Team bonding

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It was a calm day without crime, for once, so the team was out on the town to have a chill day. The pier carnival was up and running, so we opted to head there.

"Hey princess, check it." Speedy called, and he stood at a booth for dart throwing. I walked over, watching him.

He grabbed a dart, landing it right in the centre of the bullseye, before managing to get a second dart to stick on the first. He was handed a stuffed (favorite animal) and turned to me before placing it in my hands. "For you, your majesty."

"Aww speedy, thats so nice of you." I smiled and hugged him. He hugged back, before bee pushed him off. "Watch your hands bow boy." I was about to question what she was talking about when she walked away taking me with.

"Ugh, boys." She huffs, before we stop by a ferris wheel. "You wanna go on?" I asked. She looked before nodding. "Sure."

We sat side by side on the bench, and i looked in awe at the carnival lights as the sky slowly darkened. We stopped at the top for a moment, bee laughed at how the rest of the team was sulking at the bottom.

Her wings caught my eye, and i looked at her before curiosity snagged my mind. "Hey bee, could i touch your wings?" I asked nervously.

"Aww, you're the only one who asks. Of course you can." She smiled. I gently ran a hand down the translucent wing in awe, the lights made it glow like stained glass in the sun.

"Thats so cool." I awed, she flustered for a moment before recovering. "Not half as cool as you are. Its nice having another gal around for once, I appreciate the others but sometimes they're just rock heads." She laughed.

I laughed at that, and as the wheel descended we got off. I barely stood before the rest of the team swarmed us, chatting about something. I felt someone tap my arm and see aqualad.

"Hey, would you like to see something?" He asked and i nodded, following after him. We reach the edge of the pier in a quiet area with few people, and he kneels by the edge while i mimic.

He looks focused for a moment, and i see something move in the water. Fish start approaching from under the pier and surrounding waters, schooling near the edge where we sat. They all varied in color and size, i watched in awe as they swam about.

"Here." Aqualad took my hand and we leaned forwards until he submerged my hand in the water with his. Fish approached to check it out, an eel even running its body under our hands and around our fingers.

"Thats so cool.." i whispered, eyes fixed on the animals in the water. I look up to aqualad, and he looked away from me with a reddening face.

It looked like he was going to say something, but i was pulled back to see the twins. Each grabs one of my hands and im dragged off much to aqualad's displeasure.

They led me towards a food stall and promptly ordered cotton candy, before leading me to a bench where we all sat.

"Here you go, for you." Menos said.

"Not even half as sweet." Más finished, both winking.

I didn't quite get what they said but hugged them anyway, sharing the treat with them while we observed the carnival. Just like the other times the rest of the team found me and as they bickered amongst themselves i stood calmly, watching the lights.

Days like these im glad i learned how to trust people again, I dont know where I'd be without my friends.

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