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I woke up from a good nap to see i was in what looked like a glass cage, floating near some big man talking about a tournament of powers. When someone asked what the prize was, i was floated next to him.

I saw speedy and aqualad in the group below, both shocked to see me in the hovering cube. Robin, cyborg and beastboy were also there.

"Let her go!" Speedy yelled but was silenced by 'the master of games' telling him i was a prize to be won in the tournament. The first matches were paired, and i watched anxiously as speedy was pitted against aqualad.

The games master watches with unsettling glee as the fights begin, my attention lingering on the screen of my friends. Something felt wrong, this wasn't just some simple game.

My friends were placed into an arena of mostly water with a ring of circle platforms, giving aqualad an immediate advantage. I watch anxiously as the shadow in the water follows speedy, going to attack before the platforms raised revealing they were pillars.

Speedy laughed as aqualad hit his face rather harshly against the rising pillar, before taking his chance to begin firing explosive arrows into the water. Anxiety builds as speedy fires an electric arrow, shocking aqualad.

He sits, laughing at his assumed victory before a fountain of water raises, and speedy is punched by aqualad, the duo grappling for control atop the pillar, before speedy sticks an ice arrow into the water, freezing it along with aqualad.

The results for each round were announced, and i sat in dread. Contestants were sent to rest for the night, and i was in a room simular to a prison cell, unable to escape no matter how i tried.

The night passed slowly as i was unable to sleep, the next round i was exhausted, slumped in the floating cage limply.

Cyborg had apparently been eliminated for attempted sabotage, and soon it was speedy vs robin vs wildebeest. The boys teamed up to defeat wildebeest before turning on eachother. Their battle was long and painful to watch, robin eventually being declared victorious.

"The games over, id like to take the prizes." Robin said, before the master of games smiled wickedly. "Oh foolish boy, I didn't say the prizes were for you." He laughs, amulet glowing before i see a bought of water crash into robin.

𝙙𝙞𝙙 𝙝𝙚-

His arms shift into those of a gorilla, green in color.


Metallic legs sprout from his back.

𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙥𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙨..

Robin is sent careening across the room.


I felt like i was in a haze, before the case around me shattered like glass, sending a shockwave across the room. My feet didnt even touch the ground, i seemed to levitate above it.

I couldnt make myself say anything, or even change my facial expression, it felt like i was on autopilot, brain puppeting me to attack the nearest being, the master of games.

Pure, uncontrolled power built up in the air around my body, i watched as it built up and felt the dread in the air.

Pure, uncontrolled power built up in the air around my body, i watched as it built up and felt the dread in the air

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I tried to yell out, call for help or stop myself, but everything i tried did nothing. Fearfully, i closed my eyes and for a moment everything went silent and calm, before the room rocked with an explosion.

 Fearfully, i closed my eyes and for a moment everything went silent and calm, before the room rocked with an explosion

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The area began to fall apart, pieces falling from the walls and ceiling, power crackling around me. I had to stop this, at any cost. The master of games had been defeated, and the amulet began to release all the competitors but i stood shaking atop the platform.

Everyone celebrated their freedom, and my powers finally reigned back into my control. I let out an exhausted sigh, glimpsing the wreckage of what had happened.

I did all of this...

I barely noticed that i was approached, and everyone teleported. My surroundings showed i was in the tower living room, the rest of the team looking at me, before i stumbled over to the couch, promptly passing out.

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