Pizza bonding

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It had been a few days since i was taken in by titans east, and still adjusting to being around people who weren't out for my head.

The team had made some efforts to help me adjust to the environment. My room was a little less barren and i now some items to my name, like a small houseplant, furniture, etcetera.

Right now i was alone in the living room, trying to see how many items i could manipulate at once. I could lift multiple lighter objects but less heavy ones, and trying to lift too much tired me out quickly.

I was alone in the tower at the moment, and figured i would test a power i hadnt used much. I closed my eyes and concentrate on the scenery around the grocery store.

I felt weightless for a moment and when i opened my eyes i was in the store parking lot. With a victorious fist pump i ran in, checking that i had cash on me. I planned on making something special for the team as a surprise thanks, while they were out investigating a bank heist.

After grabbing what i needed i teleported back and set to work making the greatest pizza ever seen. Everything from the crust to the sauce was handmade, and as i pulled it out i felt a sense of pride at my creation.

I cut it while it was still hot into even slices and heard the door open behind me. "Hey guys, how did it go?" I qued.

"Hive five decided to try and rob the bank, and we had a huge battle where i saved everyone. You shoulda seen it." Speedy smirked, leaning against the counter before noticing the pizza.

"Oh sick, you got food?" He asked, and i nodded. "I made pizza while you guys were out, figured you might want something to eat when you got back." I reply.

"For us? You shouldnt have." Bee smiled, helping get plates for everyone. "Consider it thanks for helping me with the whole rouge situation." I return her smile.

After plates were set out the team all but destroyed the pizza, i managed to get some and sat in the group while they ate and told the story of the fight against hive five.

"Y/n, thanks again for the pizza, that was really nice of you." Aqualad said, and i nodded. "Of course, thanks for saving my butt." I retorted making him smile.

"You have to be from that cooking show, this pizza makes frozen pizza seem like a disgrace." Menos said.

"Even gordon ramsay cant deny this is great pizza, and if he does he's lying." Más replies.

"So during the fight speedy got tossed by mammoth and flew probably fifty feet." Bee smiled, speedy's face reddening. "Did not!" He snaps. "Did too."

"At least I didn't soak the entire team in seawater." Speedy claimed, crossing his arms. Aqualad and him began to bicker while the rest of us laugh.

This tower was starting to feel like home.

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