Date with destiny

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When robin had sent an sos message, asking that i meet him in formal wear i was confused. Then he begrudgingly said he had to take a strange girl named 'kitten' to a junior prom and i remembered that my life is just confusing in general.

I searched my room before finding a dress that complimented me perfectly, and getting ready to blend in to a crowd of prom-goers. Putting a jacket on to cover up and stay warm, i deemed my outfit good.

Upon exiting my room and entering the living room, i was approached by a blur. "A dress? Where are you going?" The twins asked in unison.

"Robin needs backup, so im making sure he doesn't get beat up by a girl." I said. "Hes going to prom, im so proud of him." I chuckled at that.

"Prom?! With who?" Speedy fell over the back of the couch.

"Some girl named kitten. Im just there to keep an eye on things." I shrug.

"Oh no, that doesnt sound safe, im coming with." Aqualad stepped in, before being shoved by speedy. "Ill go with the lovely lady, fishboy stay here." They glared at eachother.

"I dont think either of you can go, you'd stand out like sore thumbs." I laughed, before going to the door. "Ill be fine, you guys will probably get asked to help the other team anyways." With that i teleported out and appeared at the dock.

Prom seemed to be on a yacht sitting in the harbor, and i walked over to robin. He was startled for a moment, before settling down.

"Your flower thing is uneven here." I said, adjusting the flower clipped on his suit.

"Thanks." He said curtly, obviously stressed. "Hey, it wont be that bad. And if it gets that bad, I'll try to help." I grin.

We wait until a pink limo screeched to a stop, and out comes robin's date. Its a blonde girl with blue eyes, in a pink strapless dress that goes all the way to the floor.

Robin approached her and i heard pieces of their conversation, mostly what kitten said to get everyone's attention on her, but i checked my communicator and saw that two of my teammates were awfully close to my location.

I looked around, spotting a familiar figure on the beach and glanced into the water to see a silhouette, that looks surprised it had been caught.

I walked to the edge, before motioning upwards. Aqualad surfaced, and nervously smiled. As i leaned to give him a look, he flustered.

"What are you doing, didnt i tell you id be fine?" I asked, grinning.

"I- uh- well- me and.. and speedy came as- backup.." he stumbled over his words, and i chuckled. "So why is speedy on the beach?" I asked.

"He didnt want to get his hair wet." Aqualad righted himself, cheeks red. "Are you sunburned? Your face is red." I said, offering a hand. Aqualad took it and raised slightly out of the water.

"Maybe you have a fever, just tell speedy that i want you two to be careful." I stated, before he released my hand and swam towards speedy.

I see robin and kitten awkwardly sitting, before i decided to walk over and join the fun. "Hey, i love your dress, that shade of pink really suits you." I smiled.

Kitten jumped, startled, before she smiled widely. "Thank you, you're so much more courteous than my DATE." She hissed at robin.

"Well, if you're not having fun, who needs guys?" I grin, sitting at the table. Kitten and I began to chat, robin taking the chance to slip away and keep an eye out for trouble. I was genuinely having a nice time, and soon a slow song came on.

"Care to dance?" I asked, keeping her happy and distracted from robin, poor dude looked one inch away from snapping. Nervousness set in, she may not want to dance, or she's onto me, or-

"Yknow, that would actually be nice." Kitten said. We began a slow dance, and she seemed to thrive as all eyes were on us in the centre of the dance floor.

I hadnt danced in a long time and honestly was having fun. Kitten seemed misunderstood in a way that i could understand, and maybe she wasn't such a bad person under all of her acting.

Robin had approached, tapping kitten on the shoulder, before being tossed by a long bug-like leg. I turned to see a dude with a spider for a head, climbing up. "Get your hands off my girl." The newcomer hissed.

Robin began to fight, kitten fawned. "You know him?" I asked. "Thats my ex boyfriend fang, he came back for me." She cooed.

I distantly see speedy and aqualad approaching the docks, and opt to stall more time. After fang took a nasty blow from robin, kitten snatched her flower from the pink dress, revealing a silver button device hidden among the petals.

"Watch it bird boy, daddy isn't calling the shots tonight, I AM!" She growled. I went to try and calm her, but an arrow made her drop the device, which was snatched and crushed by speedy.

"Not anymore." He grinned, aqualad had restrained fang and kitten with water, and i saw police cars beginning to approach.

Kitten was flabbergasted and soon taken away, but before she was dragged off the ship i stopped the officers holding her.

"Hey, it was really nice to meet you, keep in touch?" I asked, she softened but then was dragged away and into a cop car.

As things began to settle and prom-goers recovered from fang's attack, the trio of heroes approached. "You- uh, you look very nice." Aqualad said, face flushed. Speedy looked pissed.

"Thanks, i personally am not too big of a fan of dressing up much." I smiled.

"For you." Speedy smirks, and i see him holding a rose out towards me. Aqualad looks startled, holding one as well.

"Copycat!" Aqualad hissed, and they bickered before i took both of the flowers with a smile. "Thanks guys, hey lets go get something to eat, its been a long night."

It felt surreal being at a junior prom with my closest allies, a night I didn't think i would experience. But im glad i got to.

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