Rainy day

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The sky outside was a darkened grey, and soon after patrol and my tiring day of training had finished it began to rain. The team opted for a movie night, and was currently squabbling over what movie to watch.

Eventually it was settled to watch a thriller movie, and everyone settles in on the couch, i went to sit before getting picked up by speedy and placed next to him.

"You could have asked." I simply said, adjusting myself but staying next to him. I was between speedy and bumblebee, the twins and aqualad scowled.

The movie started, and everyone began making jokes about all the cliches we saw, such as a car breaking down in the woods with nobody around, etc.

Eventually the movie began to frighten my teammates, and i was nearly being crushed by the weight of speedy and bee each clutching an arm, the twins sat by my legs and aqualad ended up getting behind me, between me and the back of the couch.

"You guys can look now." I laughed, and they all shared glances at the screen.

"How are you not scared?" Speedy asked.

"Cuz i know whats coming, besides horror is one of my favorite genres." I chirp, observing the special effects and admiring the makeup.

"No fair." Bee grumbled, cautiously watching the screen for the next scare.

"You guys are the heroes im surprised you guys are scared at all." I sassed, and i saw their faces all go red. I held in a laugh at that, before a scare came up again and they all yelped.

Then the power cut out, and the whole team all but crushed me. I wheeze and worm my way out, turning on my phone's flashlight.

"Ill go check the breaker, be right-" "NO!" Im grabbed by my friends, held tightly. "Splitting up is the worst thing that can be done right now!" Speedy said.

"Okay then you guys can come with." I shrugged.

I led the charge, everyone trailing behind me. One by one in silence my friends disappeared. I grew concerned for them, before realizing they could have left to the living room or gotten scared.

I reached the electrical room, seeing a figure in the darkness. I shined my light on them to see a chubbier man with orange hair who kinda looked like he belonged in a space movie based on his attire.

To be fair, i had some strange friends so i wasnt one to judge. He screeched when i tapped his shoulder and whirled around holding a strange remote, before looking at me in confusion.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"My name's y/n, who are you?" I ask back.

"I am the master of pop culture, ruler of reality, nemesis of the teen titans, control freak!" He announced, twirling his remote.

"I can bring any fictional thing into reality, and i use it to beat the titans on the regular." He boasts. "Wait thats actually really cool- lucky." I awed.

"You really think so?" He asked dumbfounded. I nodded rapidly.

"It would be epic to have that ability dude, imagine being able to meet all your favorite characters. I can move stuff around but i mostly have support based power." I shrugged.

"Are you a titan?" He asked.

"No i wouldn't call myself a titan but i make food and hang out with the titans." I said. "Well you're my hostage now so you're coming with me." He states and drags me by the sleeve of my hoodie.

"Sure." I said, following. "You're awfully chill for a hostage." He said before walking into a wall.

"Hold on." I said, fixing the electricity. "Oh.. thanks i guess." He said, and i followed him out. "You know, if you have support based powers you could make an excellent ally, why do you even work with these normies anyway?" He asked, cuffing my hands.

"They stopped me from getting kidnapped so ive just been here since." I said. "Well you should consider my offer, a mighty villain like me could use a sidekick." He replied.

We enter the living room to see it empty.

"Where is everyone?" He asked. "Beats me." I shrug. Suddenly hearing the buzz of wings bee descends, landing and scaring control freak.

"What are you doing in this tower- AYE! Why do you have my friend?!" She seethes.

"Your little support is my hostage now, and i came here to defeat you!" He grins, trapping bee in some sort of bubble. "This bubble is made to resist starfire's starbolts, good luck getting out-" he started, before bee began to blast through the bubble.

"That would've worked on starfire." He huffs, and im tugged out of the room. Im far too tired to try using my powers for fear of inability to control them, so i hoped one of my friends could stop him.

We came across speedy next.

"Oh its you, well good luck with this since these were made to counter robin's birdarangs." Control freak said, but the device was pinned to the wall by one of speedy's arrows.

"You were saying?" Speedy snarked, control freak spouted gibberish before dragging me off again, speedy giving chase as he saw me get pulled away.

He managed to loose speedy, but was quickly found by the twins. He seemed annoyed about not being able to understand them, before clicking his remote.

"Nothing happened."

"Must be the batteries." The twins said before freezing. They were trapped in a cage apparently meant for beast boy, and i focused on staying awake while dragged away.

Circling back to the living room, im pulled in and control freak looks around before sighing. I simply poke him and point to the water, before aqualad lept out.

A jet of water pushed control freak, breaking his grip on me. I almost fell but aqualad grabbed me, one arm under my back and one under my legs.

I yawned, seeing the rest of the team come in. Then i fell asleep, control freak dealt with and sent to prison.

Apparently they watched the rest of the movie, but i feel like they were too spooked, since i woke up the next day in a dogpile on the couch.

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