Day out, night in

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The titans east had decided to go for a day out, partly to relax and partly to show y/n around. What they didn't expect nor want to see was cinderblock wreaking havoc nearby.

Originally i was left by a store to stay safe, but watching friends get tossed by a overgrown brick didn't sit well with me.

After más and menos went flying by, i decided enough was enough. Looking around, i plucked a lamp post from the ground with my powers. Then i ran at the behemoth, taking a harsh swing.

It sent cinderblock sprawling, but they quickly recovered and ran towards me. I stand my ground before sliding underneath its legs, sending it crashing into a wall.

Before i could turn, i was grabbed by a cold stony hand, and lifted into the air. The beast of cement looked at me in anger, and i glimpsed bumblebee flying towards me. I kicked at cinderblock's face, and once he released me bumblebee picked me up by my hand.

I looked down in awe for a second while in the air, but snatched up the trusty light post and closed a fist, causing it to twist around the villain, who struggled with the metal restraints.

Given its state, speedy was able to incapacitate cinderblock with a well shot arrow and the beast finally collapsed.

When i was placed down, i grew tired from the use of my powers. Like i had pulled an all nighter. But seeing some bruises on my friends, i beckoned them closer and held out a hand towards the group.

I closed my eyes, and heard some gasps so i opened them in fear, but my friends had recovered fully from their injuries. Thank goodness i inherited that power.

"Okay princess, teleken-whatever AND healing? You're titan material." Speedy smirked, and ruffled my hair.

"Yeah, the drawback is now I'm tired." I yawned.

"Well to be fair, its also staring to get later. We should head back, come on." Bumblebee smiled, offering to carry me as she flew.

I couldn't refuse that offer, and she lifts me with ease. Then she proceeds to take off towards the tower, i sleepily wave at the other titans.

"They won't be to happy they got left behind, but they'll catch up." She smirked. "Besides sometimes its just better to relax after a fight like that, say, we could have a girl's night in if you want?" Bee offers.

I pondered for a moment. "Whatcha got in mind?" I asked.

"Maybe a movie, hanging out for a little without the boys bickering every five seconds, besides after those tricks you did you could probably use a break." She said.

"Screw it, I'm in." I smiled.

We got back to the tower before the others, and i got to see bumblebee's room. It had a cozy yet organized feel, the theme being mainly yellow. I had changed into my pajamas and sat on the bed while waiting for bee.

She emerged in some loose fitting pajamas, and we head to the living room. Starting a movie on the screen, we only get partway in before i hear doors open and water splash.

"Thanks for the lift bumblebee, 'preciate it." Speedy announced his arrival. I was barely awake, occasionally nodding off.

"Oohhhh what are you watching?" Más asked

"It looks like a good movie." Menos adds.

"Ah ah ah, girls night. Besides you guys arent even in your pjs, so youre excluded." Bee snickers at their offended faces.

Menos and más dash off before coming back in pajamas and holding up what looks like candies.

"Offerings." They smiled, and cheered when bee shrugged.

"Wha- not fair!" Speedy and aqualad scoffed.

"They're honorary girls now." Bumblebee smiled.

The archer and atlantean look at eachother before running off, a minute later returning in pjs that matched the usual colors on their suits, speedy carrying sodas and aqualad with snacks.

Aqualad was swift to jump over the couch and landed next to me, speedy groaned and sat on the other side of bee while the twins sat on the floor.

I grew tired, and I accidentally leaned on aqualad before sitting up and apologizing. "Its alright, i dont mind." He replied, and upon leaning back down i didn't notice the foul look the other teamates gave aqualad or the flushed hue to his cheeks.

"So since youre all honorary girls, that means im painting your nails. All of you." Bee snickered

As the boys groaned i just laughed, before drifting to sleep.

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