Brother blood

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I felt sick. The teen titans were formulating a plan to save my friends, and i sat on the floor staring out the window.

My friends were all mind controlled, and I couldn't do anything about it. The mental agony wrung me out, and i was constantly on edge of crying. Part of me wanted to cry my eyes out, but i knew i had to at least try to save my friends.

Once a plan was formulated, we hunted down brother blood at the hive base, sneaking in. All my friends were restrained to upright operating tables, raven and starfire holding me back from rushing to them.

Blood was going to make them into permanently mind controlled minions, via use of cybernetics and robotic parts. Bee struggled for a moment before being controlled again, and then the titans took action.

Brother blood only smirked, before releasing my friends and making them attack the titans. Bee took off after starfire, the twins after raven and cyborg while speedy fought robin and beastboy fought aqualad.

Raven managed to seperate the twins and render their power useless, starfire beating bee with help. I stopped speedy in his tracks, and robin was able to defeat him. Beastboy struggled against aqualad, but cyborg managed to pin him to a pipe.

"Aqualad please! Fight back!" I cried in anguish. For a moment i thought i could see him recover, before he yelled. "Headmaster!"

Robots began to flood the room, my friends recovered and got ready to attack. When speedy knocked an arrow and fired, i jumped in front of it, taking the blast and being sent flying into a wall.

As the teen titans fought off the bots, i stood slowly, scuffed but still staring at my friends. Speedy looked horrified, red eyes wide.

As the twins went to attack, i lunged into their path, and was sent skidding across the floor. They froze, watching as i stood up again, ignoring the burning pain in my leg.

Aqualad sent a jet of water towards robin, and i pushed him out of the way, careening back and into a wall. I slid down against it, struggling to stand.

Then bee flew towards the group and i staggered before running in her way, the pain of the shock flooded my body. As all my friends watched me struggling to stand, the titans were able to wipe out the robots.

"Heh, nice moves guys.." i coughed, seeing crimson on my hand as i pulled it from my face. With all their eyes on me, i barely noticed that cyborg had beaten brother blood, until i saw the red glow leave the eyes of my allies.

It was then that i released a breath i didnt know i had been holding, adrenaline starting to fade as pain took hold. I shakily sucked in a breath before sighing painfully.

"Next time, just dont use them on me, or our friends..." i choked on my words, staggering.

I closed my eyes, before teleporting off. The titans were left with only the spot y/n had been, and a few drops of blood on the floor.

Both the titans east and teen titans were deeply concerned for y/n's wellbeing, titans east felt awful at the fact they had caused harm to their friend.

The mood in the titan's east tower was tense, until the twins came in yelling about how y/n's communicator had come online.

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