Other titans

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I sat in the living room, fixing one of the cabinets when the door opened, drawing the attention of the whole team. Inside walked a taller man who seemed to be partially robotic, said parts consisting of grey white and blue.

"Oh! Sparky! Good to see you." Bee said, landing in front of him. "What brings you to the east tower?"

"I've gotten some strange crime reports from over here so me and the team came to do some searching. Theres rumor of a breakout from the jail so we figured we would ask for some help, you guys in?" He asked.

I sat by the counter, standing to stretch my legs and was noticed by the newcomer.

"Did you all pick up a new member? Its nice to meet you little lady, im cyborg." His smile was friendly and i accepted his hand to shake.

"My names y/n, its nice to meet you cyborg." I gave him a smile, not noticing the team's jealousy of attention.

"We'll help you comb the city, y/n do you wanna come with?" Speedy asked. "Sure, i have nothing better to do." I said.

After heading out of the tower we came across cyborg's team, and soon after introductions were finished we began to split up and search. I walked the street dressed casually since i wasn't technically a hero, to keep an eye out for and suspicious activity.

I took the chance to familiarize myself with jump city, and get a mental layout of the areas i searched. I came across some shops that looked interesting and made mental note to come back later on free time to check them out.

Partway through my search, i realized footsteps had started following me, and i glanced into a window to see i was being followed. I began maneuvering through large crowds and around obstacles in hope to lose my pursuer, with no dice.

In desperation i headed to the pier where i knew speedy and aqualad should be patrolling, as the footsteps began to get quicker. I sped up and soon was sprinting away from the thing behind me, finding myself at a corner with no escape route.

"I don't know who you are or what you want, just leave me alone." I said facing the figure walking backwards. It silently continued forwards, dressed so that I couldn't make out any details.

It lunged and i used my powers to grab a nearby sign and held it like a weapon, swinging as it lunged again. As the fabric of its hoodie tore I could see circuitry and wiring that reminded me of cyborg, but crimson in color.

I managed to get some more hits in but nothing seemed to slow it down, soon it had a crushing grip on my shoulders while i thrashed in it's hold.

The public had witnessed the fight, speedy and aqualad had caught wind and rushed to the area.

"Put the girl down." Speedy started.

"And nobody gets hurt." Aqualad finished.

After the being didn't release me, both jumped into the fight. A bought of water knocked it off of me as i landed and crawled away from the fight. Speedy was able to get some well placed shots on it, and it began to slow down.

Aqualad used a geyser to toss it into the air and speedy nailed it with an explosive arrow, the being blowing up like a firework. Pieces of metal and wiring rained down on the pier, and i clutched my aching shoulders while looking at the wreckage.

"What was that thing?" Speedy prodded at a part with his bow, while aqualad helped me stand.

"Are you okay?" He asked, dark eyes looking me over for any visible injuries.

"My shoulders will probably bruise, but no im okay." I mumbled, eyes returning to the destroyed robot. "What was that thing?"

"New friend! You are okay?" Starfire had landed, also worried about my wellbeing. "Im okay, just a little shaken." I replied, allowing her to give me a gentle hug while speedy and aqualad glared.

"Looks like something we've seen before, get pieces to bring back so i can examine them and find the maker." Cyborg said, him and the rest approaching. After the remaining scrap was cleaned up, we began discussing what we thought happened.

"It followed me for some time so i figured I'd find the closest people, that didn't stop it though.." i said.

"Could belong to the villain that escaped, keep sharp eyes out everyone." Robin nodded.

"Hey, take this." Beastboy had approached me, handing me a communicator. "Incase something bad happens you can press this button and it will let us know, and your team." He smiled.

"Thanks." I said, giving him a quick hug and not noticing his red cheeks. Más and menos shoved him aside and ran up.

"Dont let that hunk of junk worry you, we'll keep you safe!" They grinned, making me smile as well. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Nice meeting you, but we better get back to our tower. Send a report our way if you see anything suspicious, east." Robin and his team depart leaving us in the tower.

"Hey, y/n." Bee put a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, we wont let anything happen to you." She reassures me.

I nod and smile, feeling better.

"Thanks guys, i needed that."

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