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Being awoken by a request from starfire to hang out was a pleasant surprise, and i gladly accepted the invite. Treading out into the living room after getting ready, i let the others know i was going out.

I said my goodbye and then teleported to the teen titan's living room, almost immediately snatched by starfire into a hug. "It is so good to see you friend! Would you like to go to the arcade of games and mall of shopping?" She asked cheerfully.

Smiling at her contagious optimism, i agreed, and we began to depart. "Hey star, where's the rest of your team?" I asked, not having seen or heard anything.

"I believe they are staying in bed." She replied and i nod. Soon we arrived at the mall, where starfire excitedly dragged me around, asking questions about earth customs and stuff she saw.

She took a particular interest in varieties of nail polish and makeup, and after getting a few items we ended up in the mall arcade, in front of us was a guitar hero machine.

We began a match of guitar hero, i was showing star how to play at first but she quickly caught on and we began a duet song. A small crowd gathered around as i focused on not missing any notes, enjoying the tune and company of a friend.

After the song finished, we had set a new record on the machine, cheers erupting from the crowd. Several people began asking questions and asking for duels, starfire checked her communicator and looked surprised.

"Our friends wish for us at your home, we should most likely leave." Star said, offering a hand. I took it, and she flew upwards and out of the mall through the doors, leaving startled onlookers.

It was calming as she flew towards the tower, but i couldn't help but wonder as to why the team seemed so urgent. Swallowing my worries we land and board the elevator, and my heart stopped for a moment upon reaching the living room.

The lights were off and I couldn't see much of anything. I carefully stepped out, before the lights turned on suddenly and i heard several voices yell "SURPRISE!"

I jumped, startled, and scrambled to hide behind starfire, peering out before releasing a sigh, adrenaline settling down.

"You scared the life out of me!" I laughed, emerging and looking around at my friends and the living room. "Why is everything decorated?" I tilted my head.

"Its your birthday, isn't it?" Cyborg asked, looking confused. I grabbed my phone and checked the date, before realizing he was in fact correct.

"I feel so dumb." I laughed, scratching the back of my neck, embarrassed. "You guys really did this all for me?" I blushed.

"Of course, you've been a great addition to our team, Its the least we could do as thanks for all your help." Bee smiled.

"Come on dude, lets go get you some cake!" Beastboy , the twins and cyborg dragged me towards the kitchen. I couldn't help the grin on my face at their antics.

It was later in the evening that speedy and aqualad had approached, both carrying something behind their backs and occasionally glaring at the other.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked.

"I got you something!" They said in unison, before their glaring contest intensified. In aqualad's hands, a clam shell open revealing a lustrous (favorite color) pearl. In speedy's hands, a necklace made of white gold with a photo of the team inside.

I felt my eyes water up, and they quit glaring, concerned. "Hey are you okay?" "Did we do something wrong?" I silenced both by grabbing them tightly into a hug.

"Thank you guys, so much.. ive never had people in my life do such nice things for me." I sniff and wipe my eyes after pulling away.

"Well then, its good to be the first." Speedy grinned.

"Good to know you like them." Aqualad said.

"Come on, we're burning daylight and theres a perfectly good party going on." I smiled, dragging them with me into the fray.

It's great to have true friends like these.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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