i miss the old you ~ finn shelby 1

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both you and finn had grown up together, being best friends from a young age

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both you and finn had grown up together, being best friends from a young age. during the war, the pair of you were both practically raised by polly and ada, spending most of your time together.

"finn! give it back!" you shouted, grabbing his shirt and pulling him back.
"finn! stop being an arse, give it back." polly scolded from the front room, which resulted in ada coming in and collecting your stolen toy from within finn's grip and returning to him.

you were both now 17 and still best friends. you were sat in front of a fire, which came across as strange to many, but you were both bored.
you were curled up, with a book in your hand, all of your interest was in the pages infront of you. "do you ever stop reading?" finn complained, pulling a cigarette out. this caused you to put the book down, grabbing the cigarette from between his lips and throwing it into the fire. "i bloody hate you." he stated. "stop doing stupid things." you stated, dryly. he noticed the constant lack of emotion on your face the whole time. "you used to be happy." he eventually spat out. you looked up from your book, raising your eyebrows at him. "okay?" you questioned, now getting slightly irritated. "i miss the old you." this caused you to stand up, closing the book. "i grew up finn. you should try it." you replied, before turning to walk away.
he jumped up, grabbing your hand and pulling you back to where you were. "sit." he said, with pleading eyes. you obliged, taking your original seat. "i only bloody said it 'cos i'm worried about you." he opened up, rubbing the back of his neck and turning away.
you chuckled, "you're blushing." you taunted, making him turn back to you. he looked you up and down, before he moved his whole body to face you now. he didn't say anything about your remark, but chose to lean forward, connecting your lips.
"you done being cocky?" he whispered, once you had both pulled away, smiling.

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