i messed up ~ jonah marais 1

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i was half asleep, curled up in bed on a stormy friday night

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i was half asleep, curled up in bed on a stormy friday night. myself and jonah had gotten into a fight earlier that evening, and he had left the house in frustration, slamming the front door on his way out. he still hadn't come back, so i assumed he stayed over at corbyn's place since he lived the closest out of the four boys. i huffed, dragging myself out of bed and walking into the bathroom, staring at my reflection. my mascara was smudged and had run down my cheeks along with the tears, which had left stains down my face. i grabbed my face wash, mortified at the mess i had let myself get into. we had fought about him prioritising the band over our relationship, which he clearly didn't like hearing. i felt bad for what i had said, even though it was true, and he does spend more time with the band, i loved him.

it had been an hour or so, and i was staring at the rain pouring and the lightning that continued to strike every so often. however, i was disturbed by the sound of crashing coming from downstairs. "sometimes i hate that cats can get everywhere." i whined to myself, pulling the sleeves of jonah's hoodie over my hands and leaving the room. "wes, what are you doing down there?" i called, walking down the stairs to find the cat curled up on the sofa. "what the hell?" i questioned to myself, turning to find a soaked jonah stood in the doorway with a bouquet of flowers. "hey, can we talk?" he asked. he looked like he had been crying too, his body exhausted. "i-are you okay?" i asked, in a hushed tone, rushing towards him. "y/n, i'm fine. i just really need to talk with you." he sighed, sliding his shoes off and hanging his jacket up, before handing me the flowers. "i'm so sorry. i messed up. and i know it's true, that i always made sure the band came first and i shouldn't have, 'cos you're my world." he said, tears welling in his eyes. "i love you, so much, and you should always come first." he continued, hanging his head. i grabbed either side of his face, lifting it up so he was now facing me. "i'm sorry, for getting mad, jonah." i whispered. he shook his head. "you shouldn't be, you were right, and i needed to realise that." he added as i pulled him into my chest. "i love you." i whispered, as he stood up straight. "i love you, so much more." he replied, leaning down to connect our lips.

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