Chapter 13

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"CALUM? WHAT DID YOU DO TO NICOLE?!" Ugh. Ashton's voice had awaken me the beast. I felt myself still being carried by Calum and I smiled at that.

"Ashton! Shut up! She is asleep!" Whisper shouting. Aw he acted like he cared.

"Was asleep." I mumbled into Calum's warm shoulder.

"Well I need to talk to Nicole! This is important! Very!" I felt Ashton's hands grab me and pry me off Calum. I groaned in responds and tried to go hug Calum again.

"Nicole!" Ashton's time was serious so I followed him. Where did I follow him? The front yard.

"Why are we here?" I question feeling myself slowly fall asleep wanting Calum to hold I feel clingy.

"Well, I know how you are when you hear great things. You run. So I'm going to give you the road I run in. Anyways I'm going to get to the point. Nicole I want you to come on tour with us. I need you to one on tour with us. We asked the people directing the tour if we could bring someone else. They said there had to be a valuable reason and well..all 4 of us agreed that you inspire us to write lyrics. So that my friend has you a spot with us on tour." Wait...what? I feel like someone shook my shoulders and awoke me because before Ashton could continue I was running in the road screaming like a 5 year old.

"YES YES YES YES!" Is this to fast? No. I continued running until I reached a dead end and ran back. Going into Ashton's yard I jumped on him and we both landed in the grass.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I hugged him as we lay in the grass then jumped back up ready to run again.

I had taken off but Ashton grabbed the back of my shirt and laughed at me.

"I was going to say, we are moving to London before the tour. So if you are going on tour you are coming to London." OH MER GERSH! LONDON!

"And I don't care if you want to or not but because we are all graduating next year we are going to school. The tour will start next summer." School.

"Really. School." I rolled my eyes but still hugged him. This is amazing. Absolutely amazing.

"What's with all the yelling?" Luke had walked out of the house trying to be cool followed by Michael and Calum.

"I told her." At Ashton's words Calum spend over to me in a lighting speed.

"YAY!" He picked me up and hugged me again and as soon as my head hit his shoulder I almost fell asleep. I felt like I was flying. It ended as he put me down and smiled at me. I wanted to go to sleep again. So I walked over to Ashton.

"Ashton Fletcher. I must say I was asleep when you rudely interrupted me. Although it was amazing. I need sleep. So carry me." I flung myself at Ashton and heard him groan as he started walking. I win.


REAALY SHORT IM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED WE just have these stupid test and I've got some family stuff too... Thanks to whoever is reading this.

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