Chapter 17

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• Nicole's P.O.V •

I will fight. Fight for the battle I lost with Jason. If I die, I will die fighting.

The pain has not gotten any better, I've just gotten use to it. Just like old times. Right now the only thing I want is to hear that voice I heard 3 days ago. He said we will be safe and sound.

I can't see anything. I can only hear. My mouth is dry and I want to wake up. I need to wake up. The thing is it feels like my eyes have been super glued shut and weigh a million pounds.

I did hear what Calum had said. I don't know what to think, but thinking is the only thing I can do, so I should start.

If Calum meant what he said then I will use everything I have to stay alive, for him.

I hear the door creak open and feel the presence of more than one body.

"Oh Nicole." Ashton. Ashton. I want Ashton.

"I told you." My lord his voice is heavenly. I want to see Calum's lips move when he talks.

"I found a letter, her dad let me search her room and I found one she wrote. It is dated October 10, 2013. It doesn't look like a happy letter but I found it saying, open when I'm gone." When I wake up, I will kill Luke. He found my letter. That letter is for when I leave. I am not leaving.

"This... This is all my fault." I can hear my heart shattering. Mikey, no.

I want to yell at all of them. If one could just grab my hand. Something. No. Anger. This is not okay.

Stop. Stop. STOP.

"STOP." I gasp for air and my eyes shoot open. My lungs fill like they are full of water, but my throat is dry.

"AHHH." The pain is worse. My lord this hurts. I start making random noises trying to rid the pain.

Doctors flood into the room and connect something else and my lungs are back to normal. Well, I can breathe. My throat still dry I open my mouth wanting water.

A nurse comes in with a bottle, reading my thoughts. She put it up to my mouth and I gulp it down. It feels like the weight of my eye lids and spread out all on my body. Pain.

"N-Nicole?" I look at the 4 who have wide eyes.

Managing to use my voice I squeak a few words.

"Letter...n-no," I look at Luke practically telling him that if he opens it I will strangle him," I'm... Okay," I directed this towards Ashton and saw tears fill his eyes," not, y-your f-f-fault." I then looked at Michael and begged him with my eyes not to blame himself.

My eyes locked with Calum's and my heart skipped a beat. I swear I could hear it on the monitor.

"Th-Thank y-you." That wasn't all I wanted to say to Calum. I wanted to jump up and kiss him a million times saying thank you in between. That won't happen. Either way I could never thank Calum enough.

Looking down at my body I mustered up a few last words of my grand of fabulous speech. I scanned the voice and some the next words.

"I- I love you g-guys." Don't you love group hugs? That's what I got. Pain. Pain.

"Pain." They all backed away and the doctor came back in the room.

"Nicole that has never been done. In the state that you were in you were lucky to go into a coma because we thought you would die. I don't know how that happened. Unless our information was wrong about your state, and I know it wasn't. So congratulations on a new life. Do you Nicole have seen death and are now given a new chance." That was inspirational. I tried to start laughing but it sounded more like a cat falling off a 100 floor building.

The guys looked at each other and burst into laughter. That is music to my ears.

"We are a weird bunch." Michael spoke.

"Who cares, we have a chance." Luke laughed off.

"A chance at what?" Stupid Ashton.

"At a new life." Calum looked directly at me.

"It's time t-to start." I smiled at my words and looked at all the boys. We will come full speed ahead at whatever is coming. We will get through it.


Well yea... Cheese. I say this because it's really cheesy but whatever. Thanks for reading! I love you!

Have a C.A.L.M Day/Night.


- Sofia

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