Chapter 15

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"No no no. Nicole? NICOLE? Don't sleep you can sleep later please stay awake." My eyes painfully opened and I saw Luke in the flesh right in front of me.

"Hhh." I moaned and turned as he gently picked me up Cinderella style and moved me farther from the water. He set me down again and quickly took of his shirt and put pressure on the wound on my stomach.

"This is really bad, Nicole stay with me." his words played a game in my mode and i couldn't concentrate.

I felt him pick me back up again and take me to the curb. He put me in a car and we drove off to who knows where.

"Don' H-hospital" after the few word my lungs longed for air and I cried in pain.

"Why, we have to! Ashton's worried sick!" Ashton knows?

"Aaashton." I hope he knows I want him to take me to Ashton place.

"Fine! Nicole wait don't close your eyes! Stop!" My face felt heavy and I wanted to sleep but I didn't. My body was both numb but on fire.

I felt us fly by bumps and in a matter of 3 minutes we were back at Ashton's. I took this time to notice the sun was rising. Was it 6? I don't care.

Luke flew to the back where he had laid me and got me out. He ran carrying me into Ashton's house.

"ASHTON HELP NOW PLEASE!" I just now noticed tears streaming down his face. This made my ache worse. It's better I take it than..

"Nicole? NICOLE?!" In a blur 4 guys were looking at Luke's shirt tied around my wound.

"What...what happened." Ashton's voice shook and tears spilled out of his eyes. He looked broken and I don't dare look at the others.

"Why is there a bloody shirt around he stomach?" Michaels voice broke and I felt Luke's warm hands start to undo the knot he put it in.

"UhagaAA." My voice was cracking and I was groaning as he took off the shirt. It was like taking off a bandaid that had been on a cut that was to big.

Slowly the shirt left my stomach and gasps filled the quite room. So much pain. My eyes screwed shut and I screamed it burn it's burns it burns.

The only sound in the room were my sobs echoing off the walls. It hurts so badly. Not only that but my body aches.

"I don't know what to do, Nicole we have to go to the hospital." I looked up and saw Ashton. My breach quickened and I started hyperventilating. Air I need air. I screamed again and clawed for air. My legs were on fire and I wanted to die. I could. Just close my eyes. I could have my wish to be gone. I could leave. All this pain and suffering will end. I can go to a better place. Or maybe even a worse, but I would leave this.

For a split second I closed my eyes, then my life flashed before them. Images of me and my dad. Me and my mom playing tag at the beach when I was 3. Meeting Ashton when I was 5. Jason leaving when I was 13 and mom leaving at 14. Then the light got brighter. The roared of a crowd and 4 smelly boys on stage. A little older I was sitting next to them at an award shown. The next image was a picture of Me and all 4 in America. Then it changed and we were older. About late 20s and I was wearing a dress. Not just any dress, a wedding dress. I scanned for the one across the room, then I felt a hand in mine.

"You are not leaving me this easily, please just open your eyes I will tell you when to close them. Nicole please," the voice drifted to one of my favorite songs.

"I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'll never let you go, when all those shadows almost killed your light." It continued and u formed my eyes into a squint. A body picked me up but the voice was so beautiful. My eyes opened a bit more and we were in a car speeding down the road.

"Don't you dare look out your window, darlin everything's on fire the war out side that door keeps raging on." I forced my eyes open and we were now in a hospital.

Everything happens in a blur, nurses, the hand leaving mine, the bed the open doors, the yells, the questions, the bright lights. Everything was in a trance.

"Just close you eyes, the sun is going down you'll be alright. No one can hurt you now. Come morning light you and I'll be safe and sound." The perfect voice faded away as I left on a bed. And I did what he told me to do. I closed my eyes.


HELLO! I hoped you liked it. I decided to update both because even if only 1 person actually likes this then that would be a huge cliffhanger on the ending of the last chapter! Anyways thanks for reading

Have a great day/ night

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