Chapter 16

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• Calum's P.O.V •

My head hurt my eyes sting. I have sat in this seat for about 3 days. Today they said that she will either go into a coma or be okay and take it slow for about 3 months. I'm really hoping she will be okay.

"Nicole?" A nurse came out into the waiting room where we are. I assume she is talking about my/our Nicole. She better be.

I turn my head and see Ashton asleep, he hasn't slept since we got here so I let him be. Luke and Michael went to go get food, and inform Nicole's dad that she will no longer be staying at his home.

My legs manage to squeeze out of the plastic seat and I go towards the nurse.

"How is she?" I could hear my own tone, desperate, sadness, concern, fear.

The nurse gave me a look of pity and sadness. No. No. No. I know those looks. Please tell me it's not true.

"Sir, I'm sorry but she's in a coma." My world just collapsed. She can't be. Tears fill my eyes as I try and speak.

"C-can I see her?" I need to. I really do. I have to see her.

"Yes but not for to long, she needs rest." Rest. REST? She's almost dead and she needs REST. This made me bite my tongue but I followed the nurse to Nicole's room.

There she was. My beauty, my princess in the bed. Almost dead. The nurse left the room and I just sat there letting realization hit. She could leave me.

I walked over and cupped her small fragile hand into mine. She's so cold, but still warm. Staring at her face I felt tears roll down mine. Taking a deep breath I looked at her and started talking.

"Wow. This is just something else. I just. I don't know what to say. You have so much life left to live, you can't leave. I need you here. So first things first I not going to sit here and pour my heart out, but I will do one thing and that is tell you the truth. You may not survive this. You can die. You might leave Ashton, Luke, Michael, and me. You can do many thing and I can say many things like you won't leave me. The truth is you can. You can probably leave right this second if you wanted to. Now Nicole I know you. You are strong. You are a fighter, and you are beautiful. You are many things and to me you are one of the most important people in my life. I know deep down you can fight this and you will recover. Nicole I wish I could have more time with you. I- i will go tell Ashton. He's worried sick. I just want you to know that we will be okay. You will be okay. I will be okay. I will always be by your side. If you ever need anyone and everyone is gone. No matter if I am on the other side of the world. You have me." I felt one of her fingers twitch in my hand as I let go.

"Nicole you are a fighter. I will be here and I'm not going anywhere. I felt that. I know that was you. Just keep fighting." I walked out of the room and just sat down taking it in. Warm tears streamed down my face and I let them. They soon turned into sobs and I tried to hold it but I couldn't. When people passed they looked at me with sad eyes.

Finally I stood up and walked into the waiting room, where Ashton was awake.

"Nicole?" He has seen me. I looked at him and saw he was asking for what happened.

I just gave him a sad look that said it all. He knew. His head faces his lap and tears started dancing on his jeans. I joined him and we were just a crying mess.

For a second I knew what had to be done. One thing did this to her. One person.

"Who did this?" My voice filled with cracks and squeaks.

"J-Jason." His eyes looked like they were playing with fire. He soon stopped crying and looked at me with blood shot eyes.

"He's not getting away with this."


Hey guys! Sorry about how this is turning out. Lol anyways I love you and thanks for reading!

Have an amazing day/ night.

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