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Centennial Park July 2nd 13:45
Damian was lying on the picnic blanket while Jon was sitting up at his head while the twins rolled and crawled around them. They had been there for the guts of an hour and didn't have any urge to leave, it was peaceful which was rare for them in their line of work.

"Hello there would I be able to interest..." a woman began

"No go away Athanasia" Damian stated not looking

"How did you?" Athanasia asked

"Twin thing, also your ugly even in disguise. What do you want?" Damian asked

"You to come home" Athanasia answered

"He is home" Jon stated standing up and getting in her face

"Yeah, start a fight in front of the twins good shout" Damian said sarcastically

"Sorry" Jon replied

"Don't be, you can fight just let me get them out of here, or have you changed your mind on letting me teach them how to sword fight" Damian asked

"Not a chance" Jon laughed

"Why not, myself and Damian turned out fine" Athanasia exclaimed

"Did we?" Damian asked

"Never mind, we didn't" Athanasia laughed

"So what do you really want?" Damian asked

"To watch the world burn" Athanasia replied

"That won't happen anytime soon" Damian stated

"You destroyed safe houses for the past month but it will be another month before you'll discover my plan, but I thought I'd extend an early invitation to our next birthday, the venue is Gotham City and theme is BANG" Athanasia laughed disappearing in a cloud of smoke as Damian launched at her

"What was that about not fighting" Jon stated

"I was giving her a hug" Damian replied

"I think we should pack up and go" Jon said

"Couldn't agree more" Damian replied

They packed up the stuff and picked up the twins and walked back to the car. Jon started the engine and began driving while Damian informed his father of their encounter with Athanasia before they talked.

"So why hasn't she been caught yet? I feel like we've been at this for ages even though it hasn't been that long" Jon asked

"She's basically me, that's why. We were both modified the same way, to be better then everyone" Damian stated

"So your saying if you went bad, I wouldn't be able to stop you" Jon said

"Yeah, that's exactly what I am saying" Damian replied

"I don't buy it, I could beat you easily" Jon scoffed

"Really, who one all our fights when training" Damian asked

"You did, but I was studying your weaknesses" Jon defended

"Sure" Damian said sarcastically

"I was" Jon said pulling the car into the parking lot of the apartment

"What's my biggest weakness then?" Damian asked

"This" Jon said kissing him

The twins who were sitting in the back began laughing at Jon and Damian as they kissed.

"What's so funny?" Damian asked

"How red your face is" Jon snickered

"My face is not red" Damian exclaimed m

"Ohh it is, your blushing hard" Jon laughed

"Well then, you can carry them in" Damian stated

"How is that punishment?" Jon asked

"I think one or both of them needs to be changed can you smell that" Damian said getting out of the car

"Your evil Dami" Jon exclaimed

"And you can't beat me" Damian smirked

They headed up to the apartment and Jon changed the twins before they were fed and put down to play with their toys while Jon and Damian lay on the couch.

"You know I wasn't this much work as kid" Damian stated

"That explains why your a lot of work now" Jon joked

Damian sat in silence

"Why aren't you laughing?" Jon asked

"Because you didn't say anything funny" Damian answered

The TV was on in the background when a breaking news bulletin came on, it read that LexCorp, Wayne Enterprises, Lord Industries and S.T.A.R Laboratories across Gotham, Metropolis, National City, Star and Central City had all experienced break ins with nuclear material being stolen from each.

"Ohh she isn't even doing anything original" Damian spat

"What do you mean?" Jon asked

"This was my plan" Damian replied

"I'm sorry what?" Jon questioned

"When we were four or five Grandfather asked to plan the downfall of human civilianisation, my plan was gather as much nuclear material as possible make a few dozen warheads but out the majority of it in the food and water supplies" Damian replied

"Should you not warn someone, and also I am appalled that you planned that" Jon stated

"I said human, your only half human I didn't think you'd care so much" Damian replied

"The human part does" Jon stated

"In my defence I was five and living with my Mother and Grandfather, but I did build the untraceable nuclear container when I was ten but still I was with the League at the time" Damian said

"Then you must know how to stop her" Jon exclaimed

"I may do, but she's probably changed some things" Damian replied

"Then you better get to work on a plan" Jon suggested

"I already have" Damian replied

"Well then, I guess I'll get start on dinner. Will you check on them, they are being quiet and I don't like that" Jon exclaimed

"I will don't worry" Damian stated

They both got up and went separate ways, Jon to the kitchen where he began prepping the dinner and Damian went in and found the twins asleep on top of each other in the corner of the room where they had bean bags and a small bookshelf with picture books so he left them.

"Beloved you need to see something" Damian said

"What is it?" Jon asked getting dragged

"Shh" Damian shushed

"Okay what" Jon whispered

"Look" Damian replied

"Aww" Jon cooed

"I think this is photo worthy" Damian stated

"I agree, and it can resurface when they turn twenty one" Jon smiled

The two stated in awe and took pictures for a few minutes before Jon went back to the dinner. Damian re-entered the room and gently and softly placed a blanket over the sleeping children without waking them and then carefully shut the door as he left.

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