Chapter 6

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"Okay so you want to tell me exactly why you are freaking out?" Ash asked as we sat at the café.

"Well I need to start off by saying Lisa tricked me into go to Chris's house yesterday. He needed some rooms done so I ended up helping him." I said and Ash looked at me oddly.

"I am not seeing the problem? You guys fight the entire time?" Ash asked and I shook my head.

"No, we got along. We even joked and laughed. We ate dinner together and then when I went to leave he kissed me and I let him." I said and Ash smiled shaking her head.

"So he kissed you! You both used to do a lot more than that." Ash said.

"ASH!" I said raising my voice and she laughed.

"Okay so your first kiss from him, in what 20 years? So what." Ash said and I shook my head

"It wasn't the first kiss." I said and she looked at me like I was crazy.

"What are you talking about?" Ash asked.

"The first time I ran at the reunion I ended up on the stone bridge and he followed me. He kissed me then." I said and Ash looked at me.

"Excuse me?! When were you going to tell me?!" Ash asked and I groaned.

"Ash, come on, that's not important. What's important is that I have vowed to never let this man back in and I'm not doing a great job at it." I said and Ash groaned.

"Why can't you just let whatever happens happen. He is back and will be for good it seems like." Ash said.

"We did say we were going to try and be friends." I said and Ash smiled.
"See, just try it out. Everyone in this situation has changed, grown up and needs to learn about the other one." Ash said and I sighed.

"Yeah, maybe. I'm over thinking this and being dumb aren't I?" I asked and Ash nodded.
"Yeah you are." Ash said and we laughed.

*****CHRIS POV*****

"I kissed her again." I said to Scott as we sat having coffee at the local coffee shop.

"Who? Again? What?" Scott asked confused.
"Olive Oi-....Liv." I said changing calling her nickname.

"When did all of this happen?" Scott asked.
"Well I kissed her once at the picnic and then she was at my house last night and I kissed her again. Now at the picnic she pushed me off but last night it seemed like she wanted it, she kissed me back." I said and groaned.

"I don't know what to do Scott. I want her back....bad....but she just wants to be friends." I admitted and Scott groaned.

"Chris, you were friends with her before anything for a long time. Give her time, you messed with her so bad when you left. I mean you gave her the wrong note and instead of just admitting it and fixing it in that moment you accepted it." Scott explained and I groaned.


"So you wrote her 2 notes. One breaking up with her and the other is proposing?" Lisa asked after I explained my master plan.

"Yes because mom I don't know how I feel about her coming with me to LA yet and I just have to roll with the punches over the next couple of days and see how it goes." I explained.

"Chris, she is stressed about Prom, graduation and they party. Also packing and getting ready to go with you. Are you seriously doing this now? At her party in a couple of days?" Lisa asked.

"Mom, if I end up giving her the proposal letter she will find it romantic." I said.
"And if you give her the one ending everything?" Lisa asked.

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