Chapter 14

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*****CHRIS POV*****

It had been a couple days since Ash had dropped off the box from Liv's house and I was shocked with how much she had saved, Ash wasn't lying but this was giving me so many ideas. I knew how to get her where I needed her to meet me but she couldn't know it was me. I called one of the few people I knew that would help.

"Hey, what's up?" Scott asked.

"How much do you want to help me get Liv back?" I asked and I heard Scott groan.

"I don't need her mad at me Chris if something goes wrong. I mean she was my friend first." Scott said and I sighed.

"I know Scott but I have an idea I want to try to get back to at least being friends and I don't know if she would go if I invited her. I just need someone to get her there." I said and I heard Scott sigh.

"Okay fine, what do you need from me?" Scott asked. I smiled, I knew he wasn't fully on board but he did want us all to be friends again.


*****NORMAL POV*****

A few days later Scott and I were going to the movies, he insisted there was a new movie out I just had to see even though I hated going to the movies anymore.

"Scott, everything is so overpriced and stupid. Why didn't we just stream something at my house?" I asked and he groaned as he grabbed my hand and linked my arm in his.

"Because sweetie, I never get to spend time with just you, it's been ages since we have seen a movie in theaters and just let me treat you to a day out." Scott said and I smiled at him. Once we got inside he walked up to the ticket counter. Once Scott told them the movie we headed in towards the theaters.

"Aren't we getting snacks?" I asked and Scott nodded.

"I will come back out once we get seats." Scott said and I nodded. Once we walked into the theater I looked and only saw one person sitting there and I groaned.
"Scott Andrew Evans, what the hell is going on?" I asked annoyed seeing Chris sitting there. He got up and walked over to us.

"Don't blame Scott this was my idea." Chris said and I just looked at him.

"Alright, Christopher Robert Evans...what is going on?" I asked and Chris looked at Scott.

"I'm going to go." Scott said and I hugged him. Once Scott was gone I turned to look at Chris.

"Okay, what is going on?" I asked Chris and he sighed.

"Listen, I know you said you weren't sure if we were friends or enemies and I would really like to get to the friend aspect of that. I just thought we could watch a movie together like we used to." Chris said and I huffed a laugh.

"We used to watch movies in theaters with a group of friends." I said and Chris smiled.

"Yeah well I didn't think I would get you to my house." Chris said and I shook my head with a smile.

"So will you please stay and watch the movie with me?" Chris asked and I sighed with a nod.

"Why not." I said and we went and got our seats. I noticed Chris had snacks and drinks. He handed me a box of candy and I smiled at him.

"You remembered my favorite." I said and Chris smiled.

"Sno-caps, not that hard to forget." Chris said and I smiled at him. The lights dimmed and the movie started. When I saw the opening I looked at Chris and he was trying not to smile.

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