Chapter 12

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It had been a month since the bowling alley double date and I hadn't talked to Chris since because I couldn't face him. Ash was still talking with Sebastian and he had been spending a lot of time in Boston with her. I went outside and got the mail and then headed back inside. As I went through the mail I saw a plan envelope that wasn't mail but had my name on it and I figured someone had just dropped it off. I was curious and I opened it up. I instantly knew the writing.

-Olive Oil,

I am starting off by saying how much I love you and how proud I am of you graduating. You are an amazing woman and girlfriend and I am so lucky to have you in my life. Now the time has come for us to make some serious decisions and choices regarding us and you moving to LA with me. Olive Oil I want nothing more than for you to be with me and start this next chapter of our lives together. With starting that next chapter of being together I am ready to take another major step with you. I know by this time of reading this you are most likely nervous but if you look at me you will see me looking at you with love and admiration. Liv, I am asking you to take the next step with me and I am asking you to marry me. Olivia, will you please make me that happiest man in the world and please say yes?-

I sat there in shock. I knew Chris and I were going to be getting engaged after I graduated but I thought we would have been in LA for awhile together so we could see how living together actually went. I just didn't know what to think. I had so many emotions going through my system right now.

"Mom?" I heard Wes calling my name and I looked up and he was looking at me oddly.

"Your phone is ringing." Wes said and I realized I had zoned out. I grabbed my phone from the coffee table and saw it was Lisa.

"Hey." I answered.

"Hey, you okay?" Lisa asked sensing a problem.

"Yeah, I'm okay. What's up?" I asked.
"Listen, I know you are probably still mad at me for lying to you about the film festival but I wanted to have you and Wes over for dinner tomorrow night. I miss you." Lisa said and I huffed a laugh.

"Lisa, I was upset at the time I found out but I'm not anymore. It's Chris who is the problem for things he did." I said and looked at the letter in my hand.

"Will Chris be there?" I asked and she sighed.

"He will be. It's a family dinner..." Lisa said and I half nodded to myself.

"That's fine." I said looking at the note in my hand knowing I needed to talk to him.

"Perfect, dinner will be at 6. You can arrive anytime before them." Lisa said.

"Sounds good." I said.

"See you tomorrow." Lisa said and we hung up. I sighed and re-read the letter in my hand. This was a lot to process and I hoped I would have a level head when I saw Chris.


The next night I wore a black jeans and a mint green silk camisole with a lace trim and a black sweater with my booties. When I walked in Lisa's house I saw Chris and Scott sitting in the living room. Lisa had text me and told me just to walk in, so I did. I looked further in the living room and saw Sebastian and Ash sitting and talking.

"Mom, is that Sebastian Stan?" Wes whispered to me as I took my boots off. I smiled at him as he then took off his shoes.

"Yes, it is. Go over and introduce yourself." I said and he got nervous.

"Mom, I can't." Wes said and I groaned and walked over to Sebastian and Wesley followed.

"Hey." I said and he stood up hugging me.

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