Chapter 2

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The next day I had text Ashley and told her I would just meet her at the picnic. She was going to come with me but I didn't sleep well last night and just wanted to sleep in a little later than usual. As I was trying to sleep I heard the front door open.

"Mom?!" I heard Wesley yell out and I groaned getting out of bed and seeing him in the kitchen getting a glass of orange juice.

"What are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"Dad never showed up to Connor's and his parents and him had to leave to go somewhere. A family emergency." Wesley said and I groaned.
"Well I got no sleep last night and you know where the cereal is. Don't fill up though because we are still going to the picnic." I said and he nodded as I walked back to my room.

"Mom?" Wesley asked and I stopped to look at him.

"Yes?" I asked and turned to look at him.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Wesley asked and I smiled, walked over to him and hugged him.

"I am okay, thank you. Just saw an old friend last night I was really excited to see but then the past came back to bite me in my ass." I said and Wesley laughed.
"Gotcha." Wesley said and I walked back to my room. I laid on my bed and stared at my ceiling praying that Scott wouldn't be underhanded and bring Chris with him today. After about an hour of just laying in bed I got up and got ready. I walked to my closet and was unsure of what to wear, I knew it was going to be a hot day but I wasn't sure how cute I actually wanted to look. I then shook my head and was thinking about if Chris showed up and groaned. I walked to my closet and pulled out a light blue floral pattern dress, tank top style, deep V-neck and it hit about mid-thigh. I put my hair in a ponytail and did a simple make up job since we were going to be outside in the heat. Once I left my room I saw Wesley standing in some shorts, tennis shoes and a t-shirt.

"Ready?" I asked and he nodded.

"Mom, I just looked at the calendar and I have to get signed up for football by next week. I need you and dad to sign the forms." Wesley said and I nodded looking at the calendar and groaned at today's date.

"What's wrong?" Wesley asked

"Nothing, let's just go." I said. It was June 13th.... Chris Evans, Scott brothers birthday. Wesley and I drove to the picnic while I prayed Scott didn't bring Chris and maybe brought Lisa. We pulled into the park where the party was being held and Wesley got excited seeing kids he was going to be playing football with tossing a ball.

"Mom can I go play?" Wesley asked getting from the car as I grabbed the blanket from the backseat knowing I would be sitting on one by Ashley.

"Yeah sure, please be safe." I said and he ran off.

"Wesley! Be Safe!" I yelled after him wanting an answer.

"Yes mom!" He called back. I walked over and saw Ashley getting her blanket set up and I smiled.

"Hey, leave room for me and my son." I said with a laugh and he smiled at me.

"I only see you." Ashley said.

"He found people playing football." I said.

"Oh yeah, so he is gone." Ashley said and I smiled. As I sat down on my blanket I started looking around.

"He isn't here yet." Ashley said and I looked at her.

"I'm not looking for anyone." I said and Ashley laughed.

"You are looking for Scott to see who he brings." Ashley said and I shook my head.

"It's not like Chris would come any ways....right?" I said and Ashley just shrugged.

"He did know a lot of people in our class and it is a family picnic." Ashley said and I glared at her.

"It's fine, I am mostly looking for my ex-husband. He was supposed to pick up Wesley this morning and he didn't." I said and Ashley rolled her eyes. After a half an hour Dustin showed up and walked over to me.

"Hey, where is Wesley?" Dustin asked panicked and I looked at Ashley and gave a sly smile and she shook her head.

"You mean you don't have him?" I asked.

"What? No! I overslept and when I went to get him no one was home and he isn't answering his cellphone." Dustin said and I groaned. I pointed to the kids playing football.

"He walked home this morning, Connor's family had a family emergency and had to leave. Which he would have been gone if you had shown up on time." I said and Dustin groaned and then I saw a blonde girl, much younger than Dustin walk up and grab his arm.

"Dustybear you didn't tell me the picnic was outside." This girl whined and I looked confused.

"Sherry, sweetie, don't call me that here and picnics are always outside." Dustin said and I shook my head.

"Who is this?" I asked confused.

"Oh yeah sorry. Sherry this is Liv, my ex-wife. Jess this is my girlfriend Sherry." Dustin said.

"So you were going to make a weekend with Wesley and your girlfriend? Typical." I said annoyed and got up from where I was sitting.

"Where are you going?" Ashley asked looking at Dustin annoyed.

"To check on Wesley and warn him." I said and walked away. As I was walking I felt someone grab my arm and I stopped at saw Scott. I smiled at him and took a deep breath.

"You look angry." Scott said.

"Hi to you too." I said with a small laugh.

"Hi, you look angry." Scott repeated.

"My ex-husband showed up with his girlfriend. He was supposed to be spending the weekend with our son." I said and Scott shook his head.

"And you don't like the girlfriend?" Scott asked.

"Just met her. She is so young!" I said annoyed.

"Hey, it's okay. I brought you someone to make you smile." Scott said and pointed and I saw Lisa standing talking to someone. I rushed over to her and she saw me coming.

"Olivia!" She said excited and hugged me once I reached her.

"Lisa, it is so good to see you." I said as we hugged. I didn't want to let her go. I loved Lisa so much and she was so sweet when I dated Chris and I knew she wanted to kill him when he broke up with me. Once we released she gently cupped my face to look at me like a mother would.

"Still as beautiful as ever." Lisa said and removed her hands and I smiled.

"Same goes for you." I said and smiled. I then heard the boys playing football yelling.

"Crap, I have to go tell Wesley something. Excuse me." I said forgetting for a minute where I was going. I rushed to the football game.

"WES!" I yelled to get his attention and he told the guys something and came running over.

"Yeah?" Wesley asked.

"Your dad is here, finally. He brought his girlfriend though." I said and Wesley groaned.

"I've met her mom. Don't like her but I have met her." Wesley said and I shook my head.

"Okay well I think she is going to be with you guys at the cabin." I said and Wesley groaned.

"Do I have to go then?" Wesley asked.

"You can talk to your dad about it and ask and if you don't want to go, you don't have to go." I said and he nodded.

"Do I need to talk to him now?" Wesley asked and I sighed.

"Sooner rather than later okay?" I asked and he nodded and ran back to his friends. I stood and watched him play for a little bit knowing he wanted to play in school and I wanted to see how good he was. As I stood there I could feel someone's breath on the side of my neck by my ear.

"You look good Olive Oil." I heard the voice say. I turned around ready to smack someone and he caught my wrist.

"Feisty as ever, I like it." Chris Evans said standing in front of me holding my wrist as his thumb drew small circles on my wrist.

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