Chapter 23

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*****5 months later*****

It was the day of Ash and Sebastian's wedding. Ash and I were in the bridal suite at the hotel getting her ready. I was getting Ash in her dress and she smiled at me.

"Soon it will be you." Ash said and I smiled at her in the mirror.

"Yeah about that...we aren't having a big wedding. Wes, his family, you and Sebastian and that's it." I said and Ash smiled.

"When?" Ash asked and I shrugged.

"We haven't fully decided. We know it will be in the backyard of the house." I said and Ash smiled. The day after Chris proposed we went and bought that house he was talking about and had moved in.

"I am so happy for you guys. You really are doing it, finally." Ash said and I laughed as I adjusted the back of her dress.

"Right, it only took 20 years." I said and as we laughed. As I finished up getting her situated there was a knock on the hotel door and I walked to answer it. I looked at saw Wes standing there with 2 gift bags. "One for Ash and one for you." He said and smiled at him.

"Thanks kid." I said and then leaned in closer to him.

"How is Sebastian?" I asked and he smiled.

"Ready. Keeps asking Chris how much more time." Wes said and I smiled. I then reached in by the door and grabbed a few small boxes.

"For you guys. Can you do me a favor though and record the guys reactions when they open theirs?" I asked and Wes nodded.

"Sure can." Wes said and walked away. I walking and handed Ash he gift bag.

"From Sebastian. I gave Wes their gifts as well." I said and she smiled. She opened her gift to find a diamond tennis bracelet with some blue sapphires mixed in and her eyes filled with tears.

"It's beautiful." She said and handed it to me as I put it on her.

"He did good." I said and he nodded.

"What did you get?" Ash asked knowing he had already given me my gift from her and I opened it to see a necklace with a small note on the box it was in.

-The last necklace I gave you only had our birthstones on it. I felt it only right to get you a new one with the families birthstones.-

The note said and I smiled. It was a heart like the one Chris had gotten me before but Wes's birthstone was now added.

"Like your old one." Ash said and I nodded and put on the necklace.

"Sorry, I have to wear it." I said and Ash laughed.

"It's fine, I want you to." Ash said.

"Also Sebastian is annoying my fiancé because he keeps asking how much longer. That man is ready to marry you." I said and Ash smiled and looked at the clock.

"Almost time." Ash said and I nodded. We did a quick touch up on hair and make-up and then it was time to head downstairs. As we reached the balcony where the wedding was taking place I made sure Ash's dress would fall right as she walked outside. I saw the guys go and stand up front which is was just Chris as the only groomsmen and Wes was an usher so he was sitting up front. As I walked down the aisle I smiled at Sebastian and then winked at Chris and he winked back. As Ash walked down the aisle I smiled and watched Sebastian trying not to cry. Once Ash reach up front with me she handed me her bouquet. The wedding flew by and soon we were all cheering as they kissed. They walked back up the aisle and then I linked my arm with Chris's and back up the aisle we went. He saw my necklace and smiled. I looked down and saw his cufflinks and snickered. Once we got to the area we were going to wait until we went to the reception.

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