Chapter 20

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I grabbed the envelope freaking out unsure of what it was going to say. Chris and I didn't have a good track letters with letters. I opened it and read the note

-Olive Oil,

I know you are probably panicking reading this and I need you to know you can calm down. This note is to lead you to our next date. There is an outfit for you in the bedroom of the trailer for tonight and then you are to try and crack the clues at the bottom of this letter and meet me at our date. I can't wait to see you...if you figure it out.



I groaned and looked at the bottom on the letter at the clues.

-Where we went on a group date when I first held you hand.-

-Where I first told you I had feelings for you.-

-When I found out how terrified you actually were of loops on rides.-

-And if those clue didn't give it away enough, Where I won you that terrifying looking teddy bear that you insisted on having.-

I laughed at the last clue knowing exactly where I was supposed to meet him. I went into the bedroom and changed into the outfit that was left for me. It was a red t-shirt and some black jeans and some black converse tennis shoes. I smiled since this was almost identical to my outfit that night and I wasn't sure how he was remembering all these details but I loved it. Once I got ready and did my hair, touching up my make up I headed to the festival that was in town. I knew Wes was going there with his group of friends that night and so I wasn't too worried about him, he was responsible and knew the rules. Once I parked my car I walked towards the entrance and I saw a guy standing there in a Boston Red Socks ballcap and, blue t-shirt and some black jeans.

"Outfit is correct but this is new." I said walking up to Chris and playing with the brim of the baseball hat. He smiled, leaned down and kissed me.

"Hi." Chris said once we broke apart.

"Okay I have to know, what clue did you have it figured out by?" Chris asked and I smiled.

"The first one gave me an idea but the second verified it." I said and Chris smiled.

"And then bear totally verified it." I added and Chris laughed. He held my hand and we walked in the fair.

"You wanted that thing so bad and it was terrifying." Chris said and I shook my head.

"I loved that bear. I still had it up until recently." I said and Chris looked at me oddly.

"What do you mean?" Chris asked and I sighed.

"Okay, so up until recently I had a box full of memories of our from when dated or even went out as friends when I started liking you. Well when everything happened with the proposal letter and I wasn't sure where we were Ash came over and got the box and forced me to get rid of it saying I was holding on to you for too long and I needed to move on. Saying that getting rid of the box was the first step to moving on. I didn't want to do it but she was very adamant." I said and Chris sighed.

"Hey, we can start a new box, if you want." Chris said and I smiled and I nodded.

"I would love that." I said and Chris smiled. We walked around for awhile hand in hand when we ran into Wes and he introduced Chris to his friends. He was so awesome to take pictures with them too when they asked. Wes looked at me while they did.

"You guys on a date?" Wes asked and nudged me playfully.

"Maybe..." I said and winked at him as Chris was done with pictures and took my hand.

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