Chapter 15

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I was sleeping in the day after my night out with Chris when my cellphone started ringing. I groaned and rolled over answering it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, sorry about the time." I heard Chris said and he sounded chipper and awake.

"Chris, I know I said we were friends and I seriously want to but you calling me at 7am on a saturday, that is grounds for friend termination." I said and Chris gave small laugh.

"I know and I said I am sorry but I need your help." Chris said and I sat up.

"Is something wrong?" I asked concerned.

"If I send you an address can you meet me there in like an hour?" Chris asked.

"Can you give me an hour and a half? I want to shower and stuff." I said.

"Oh yeah sure. See you then." Chris said. We both hung up. Wes was with his dad this weekend so I didn't have to worry about telling him where I was going to be. I grabbed my phone before I got in the shower.

>Hey, how should I dress for this meeting?< I asked Chris.

>Just normal is fine.< Chris said but I had a feeling my normal and his normal were completely different.

I got in the shower and when I got out and go dressed I grabbed a button up blouse that was mint green and a pair of nice black jeans and high heels. I got the address from Chris and I headed to the address as I reached the street I was stopped by a guy with a clipboard and I saw tons of vans, cameras and lighting equipment being moved.

"Sorry ma'am this is a closed set." The guy said.

"Sorry, um....Chris Evans told me to meet him here. I am Liv Miller, might be under Olivia Miller." I said unsure if Chris put me down as a friend or for something else and he looked at a list of names.

"Okay you are on the list." He said and handed me a pass.

"Here is a pass for you to wear on set and you can park your car right over there with all the others." He said and pointed to a line of car. I nodded and drove past him. I parked my car, got out and pulled out my phone while standing by my car.

>I am here Chris, standing at my car, with a set pass. Where the hell are you?< I sent off and waited for an answer.

I just looked around at everyone and I was so confused. I watched the door to one of the houses open and Chris looked for me and then walked over to me. Once he approached he hugged me which I accepted.

"What am I doing here?" I asked and he sighed.

"So someone screwed up and I could really use your help. Will you come with me?" Chris asked extending his hand and I took it and we walked back into the house he just came out of and I saw it completely empty. He took me up to 2 older gentlemen standing there talking.

"Guys, this is Liv. The one I was telling you about." Chris said and I looked confused but shook their hands when they extended their hands.

"I'm Mark Bomback, executive producer." The one guy said.

"I'm Morten Tyldum, director." He said.

"And I'm Chris Evans, another executive producer." Chris said introducing himself and I looked at him shocked.

"Really?" I asked and he smiled. I just smiled and shook my head.

"Okay so why am I here?" I asked confused.

"Okay so our set decorator quit last minute and when she did she canceled all of the orders for furniture we had to fill this house with. Every place we call tells us we cant have stuff for 3 weeks and we start filming in a few days. Chris explained you were an interior designer and could maybe help." Mark said and I sighed.

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