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We were all hanging out waiting for Kreacher to come back

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We were all hanging out waiting for Kreacher to come back.Then the door opened and someone spoke.

We all got up immediately and took out our wands,the door then opened.It was Remus.

Harry pointed his wands to him and asked him a question. Remus spoke out.

"Why are you here?" Harry questioned. "Is everyone okay?"


Narrator pov
They were all in the kitchen,Lupin gave them some butter beer and said,"I would have come here three days ago but death eaters were following me."

Then he asked,"Did you come here after the wedding?"

"No" said Harry."after we ran into a couple of the death eaters in a cafe."

"What?" He said confused. "How many people are here?"

"Well, the four of us." Amelia says. "And Kreacher."

They then explained what happened, and when they finished. Lupin look shocked.

"But how did they find you so quickly?it is impossible to track someone who apparated unless you hold onto them as they disappear!"

"And it doesn't seem like they would just be walking around Tottenham Court Road at the time,does it?"Harry said

"We wondered." Hermione said,"whether they have the trace on the still."

"Impossible,"said Lupin.


Amelia pov
Hermione said, "but what about Tonks?"

"What about her?"Lupin said

"Well," said Hermione frowning,"your married!How does she feel about you going away with us?"

"Tonks will be perfectly safe,"said Lupin. "She will be at her parents house."

There was something strange in Lupins was cold.There was something odd about the idea of tonks hiding at her parents home.Well she is after all apart of the order.

"Remus.."Hermione started to ask and then continued,"is something wrong with you and tonks?"

"Everything is fine,thank you."Lupin said.

I sighed,thank god.My eyes then widened when Lupin said the exact words "Tonks is going to have a baby."

"Oh how wonderful!"Hermione squealed.

"Excellent!"Ron said enthusiastically

"Congrats"Said Harry.

I stayed silent. And that's when I heard Lupin say,"so do you accept my offer?"

don't you dare say it.

"Will four become five?I don't think Dumbledore would disagree with me coming with you.He did make me defense against the dart arts Professor. And I must say that i believe we're are facing way darker Magic many of us have never encountered."

"Bloody hell, no! You are not leaving tonks!"

"But she will be perfectly safe with her parents."Lupin said slowly, "James would of wanted me to stick with you two.

"No, our father would of wanted you to stay with your child." I said.

"You don't understand."Lupin started to say.
Before I could say anything again Harry said, "explain then."

Lupin swallowed,"I made a mistake marrying Tonks. I did it against my better judgement and I have regretted it deeply."

"I see that," Harry started.

"So you're just going to leave her and your kid to run off with teenagers?" I was angry. "Tonks could die during child birth or a death eater attack, and your child will have no one! Or if the Child dies, she will be alone!"

"Don't you understand what I've done to her and our child. I've made her an outcast!"Lupin had kicked the chair. "You see me as a good person! But everyone else sees me as a deadly creature that should be put down! Even her own family is ashamed our marriage!What parents want there daughter to marry a werewolf. and the child-"

Lupin seized his hair,"My kind don't breed!the child will be like me-i am convinced of it!How could I forgive myself for passing my curse to a child,an innocent child!They will be better of without me!"

"Remus!"Whispered Hermione,"Don't say that!how could any child be ashamed of you?"

"Oh, I don't know Hermione,"Harry started. "I would be pretty ashamed of him."

"If the new system thinks muggle-borns are bad." Harry said,"what will they do to a half-werewolf whose father is in the order?My father died trying to protect my mother and me,and you reckon he'd tell you to abandon your kid to go on an adventure with us?"

"How dare you!"Said Lupin,"this is not about a desire for-for danger or personal glory——how dare you suggest such a-"

"No, I think your feeling a bit of a daredevil."I snapped,"You fancy stepping into Sirius's shoes-"

"Amelia-no!"Hermione begged.

"I would of never believed this,"I said, "The man who taught Harry and I to fight dementors—a bloody fucking coward."

Remus drew his wand to me but not looking me in the eyes.

"Come on." I said, "Do it."

"Look into my eyes and do it." I snapped.

His eyes did meet mine, his eyes met my mothers eyes. He then turned and stormed out.
Hermione turned to me and yelled,"Amelia!Harry!what was that!"

"It was easy." Harry said, "don't look at me like that." He snapped at Hermione.

"Don't start on her Harry!"Snarled Ron.

"SHUT IT!"I yelled

"We must not fight!"Hermione said.

"You two shouldn't of said that to him!"Ron told me and Harry.

"Parents shouldn't leave their kids unless—unless they got to."

"Harry-"Hermione started.

"I'm sorry." I whispered quietly.They all looked at me.

"I was angry and I shouldn't of called him a coward but if it makes him go back to tonks then it is alright." I turned and walked out kitchen.

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