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Harry pov
Amelia and I watched as Ron and Hermione argued about the food.

"Noticed how I am always the one who takes care of the food!" Hermione said.

"You could get Amelia to do it, but you're to stubborn!"

"You want us to cook? Is it because we are girls? How about you man up and fix the food!" Hermione yelled.

"I can't because my arm!"


Me,Hermione and Harry were all sitting down, Hermione was cutting Harry's hair. Then the lights went off, Ron walked in, and he put the lights back.

Him and Harry started fighting, not fist fighting, yelling, arguing.

"don't you know why I listen to that radio every now and then?" Ron spoke while Hermione was still trying to get the locket off him.

"To make sure I don't hear ginnys name, or Fred, or George, or Mum!" Ron argued.

Harry then argued back,"you don't think I know how it feels?"

"No, you don't know how it feels! Your parents are dead! You have no family!"Ron yelled.

We all stared at him. Harry went to jump at Ron but I grabbed Harry and pulled him back as Hermione yelled,"stop!"

"go then! go!" Harry yelled at Ron. "Leave."

"fine," Ron yanked off the Horcrux, throwing it to me. I caught it as he looked at Hermione "you, coming or staying?"


"fine, I get it, I saw you two the other night."
and he stormed out, Hermione ran after him. I looked at Harry.

"he didn't mean it.." I said.

"No. He is right, I don't have family except you." We both sat down. "I want you to leave, go to America or something, somewhere they won't find you. I don't want you here while this is going on."

"Harry. . .I'm not leaving you."

"Voldemort won't stop until we're dead." Harry said. "I need you to leave, Amelia, please."

"No." I hugged him and he hugged me back. "I'm not leaving you." I said and then pulled away. "We have to stick together, until the end."

"Until the end." He repeated.


Hermione was out trying to find food. Harry and I were in the tent, music was playing. One of the songs that Harry and I always listened to throughout our childhood came on. We use to dance to it in the hallway near the cupboard. And when we got to Hogwarts, we danced in the Common Room. 

I looked up at him, he was already looking at me. I stood up and out my hand out, and we began to dance like we once did. He was always terrible at the dance, but he got better.  We both hummed the song. I had on my Christmas sweater Molly made me last year, it was like the first one I have ever gotten. It was blue one with a huge "A" on it, Harry also had his sweater on.


Me and Hermione were outside, Hermione was reading the book Dumbledore gave her.

I then stared at the sky, remembering the prophecy Dumbledore went find in fourth year. I didn't know what it meant at first. But now I do.

Harry came outside yelling.

"Hermione!Amelia!" Harry yelled. "Hermione was right!"

"snitches have flesh memories," Harry said.
"I didn't catch my first snitch with my hand, I almost swallowed it."

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