The End Of The Potter Twins (p.2)

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Harry pov

I was still under the cloak, I was waiting for the perfect moment to come out from it. I watched as Yaxley got slammed to the floor by Lee and George. Another death eater screamed, full of pain from Flitwick. Hagrid threw Dolohov across the room. Neville and Ron attacked Greyback and took him down.

Voldemort dueled three professors all at once, Bellatrix had been dueling Hermione, Ginny and Luna. There was a killing curse shouted by Bellatrix, it almost hit Ginny but it didn't. Thank Godric it didn't.

"Not my daughter you bitch!" I heard someone yell. Everyone watched as Molly Weasley, stepped in front of Luna, Ginny and Hermione.

"Get back!"

"What will happen to your children when I kill you," taunted Bellatrix. "When mummies gone the same way as Freddie?"

"You will never touch my children ever again!"

Bellatrix laughed. I remembered that wicked horrendous laugh when she killed Sirius.
Mollys curse soared through Bellatrix's outstretched arm. She froze and her eyes bulged. Voldemort screamed. And then he pointed a wand at Molly.

"Protego!" I roared out, the Shield Charm expanded in the middle of the Hall. Voldemort looked around for the source as I finally pulled off my fathers Invisibility Cloak. There was yells of shock, the cheers, the screams on every side of  the hall.

"Harry!" Amelia ran to me.


The crowd had been afraid, silence abruptly came upon them as Voldemort and Harry and Amelia looked at each other and began to circle each other.

"I don't want anyone else to try to help." I said. "It has to be like this. It has to be us."

"Potter doesn't mean that." Voldemort laughed. "Who are you two going to use as a shield today?"

"Nobody. There is no more horcruxes. Just us. The prophecy has to be fulfilled."

"You only survived because of an accident. Because Dumbledore was pulling strings but now, he isn't here."

"Accident, was it, when our mother died to save us?" Amelia asked.

"Accident, when Amelia died for me, in the graveyard? Accident, that I came back to fight you again after I gave up myself."

"Accidents!" he screamed. Hundreds, were watching as we circled each other. "it was all accidents and chance! You hid behind men and women!"

"you won't kill anyone else tonight," I said. "Don't you get it! Amelia and I were ready to die to stop you!"

"But you didn't!"

"I mean to, and that's what I will. I will do what my mother did, what my sister did. Didn't you noticed? You can't torture them. You can't hurt them.

"You don't learn from your mistakes, Riddle." Amelia said, sour.

"You dare—!"

"Yes I dare," she said. "I know things you don't, Tom. Want to hear some, before you make another big mistake?"

"Is it Love.. again?" Voldemort said.

Narrator Pov

"Dumbledores favorite solution, which he claimed conquered death, though love did not stop him from dying? Love did not prevent me killing your Mudblood mother like a cockroach, and no one seems to love you two enough to run forward and take my curse. So what will stop you dying when I strike?"

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