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Amelia Potter
"Potters!"Me and Harry looked at eachother worried for both our safeties,scared to get caught.I grabbed his hand tight.The two people had just left the room where we were.We ran to the cellar,then someone called us and we followed.

We looked around. Harry and I stared into the broken mirror piece .

"Harry, Amelia.Look,I can see yall two in here." Hermione said.
We both looked at the two things.

"You bloody fools,do you have any idea how dangerous it is?"

"you're Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother." I said.

"its you who I have been seeing in here.Your the one who sent Dobby."

"where have you left him?" He asked us.

"Seashell Cottage,he's being well taking care of."

"who gave that to you?The mirror?" Harry asked.

"Mundungus Fletcher,about a year ago." Aberforth said.

"dung had no right it belonged to-"

"Sirius, Albus told me." Aberforth said. "He also told me you'd likely to be hacked off if you ever found out I had it.but ask yourself,where would you be if I didn't?"

He placed butterbeers and other things on the table,we all grabbed it and we sat down.

"have you heard much?from the order?" He asked.

"the orders finished.You-Know-who has won.Anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves."

"Guess I'm kidding myself.I still have faith,I believe we can win.We need to get into Hogwarts to win,tonight." Harry said. "Dumbledore gave us a job to do."

"did he now?nice job.easy?" Aberforth said.
"we've been hunting Horcruxes."

"And we think there is one inside the castle," I added. "but we need help getting inside."

"that's not a job my brothers given you,that's a suicide mission.Do yourself a favor,go home,live a little longer."

"Dumbledore trusted me to see this through."

"What makes you think you can trust him,You think you can believe anything my brother told you?In all the time you knew him,did he once mention my name?Did he ever mention her?"

"why should he-" Harry said.
Aberforth cut him off,"keep secrets,you tell me."

"I trust him." Harry said.

"that's a boys answer.A boy who goes chasing Horcruxes on the word of a man who wouldn't even tell him where to start.Your lying!Not just to me,that doesn't matter,to yourself as well.Thats what a fool does.You don't strike me as a fool Harry Potter.So I ask you again,there must be a reason."

"look,we aren't interested in what happened between you and your brother and we don't care that you have given up." I said.

"I trusted the man I knew," Harry added.

"and we need to get into that castle,tonight." I said.
Aberforth looked at his sister and nodded,"you know what to do."

The girl in the picture nodded and walked off.

"where have you sent her?"

"you will see soon enough." He said.
We all looked at the painting.

""that's your sister,Ariana,isn't it?" Hermione said.

"she died very young,didn't she?" I said.

"my brother sacrificed many things,on his journey to find power,including Ariana,and she was devoted to him.He gave her everything,but time."

"Thank you,Mr Dumbledore." Hermione said

And as that,he walked out. Harry and Ron looked at Hermione weird

He did save our lives twice.Kept an eye on us in that mirror.That doesn't seem like someone who has given up.

We looked back at the frame.

"shes coming back," Hermione said.

"but whos with her..?" Ron whispered.

The door opened,"Neville!"

"you look-"

"like hell,I reckon.This is nothing,Seamus is worse."

"what happened to him?" I said worried.

He just smiled, and started walking. We looked at each other and followed him.

" 'Don't remember this on the marauders map.." Ron said.

"the seven secret passages were sealed before the start of the year.This is the only way in or out now.Grounds are crawling with dementors and Death eaters." Neville said.

"how bad is it with Snape as headmaster?"

"hardly see him,it's the carrows you need to watch out for."

"Carrows?" Hermione said.

"brother and sister in charge of discipline,they like punishment,the carrows."

"they did that to you?" Hermione asked. "why?"

Today was practicing the cruciatus curse in dark arts,on first years.I refused." Neville told us. He glanced at me and then the others. "Hogwarts has changed."

We kept on walking,"let's have a bit of fun shall we?"

He opened the door,"Hey,listen up,you lot.i have brought you a surprise.

"not more of Aberforth cooking,I hope.be a surprise if we can digest it." Seamus said.

Harry and I came out from behind Neville. They all stood up and clapped,I ran towards Seamus and hugged him.

Seamus and I were close in the first few years, after i 'died' we really didn't talk in sixth.

"Amelia how have you been?"

"Good? You look rough." I said with a chuckle. And he chuckled too," Hanging on."

"okay okay,lets not kill them before you know who.So what's the plan?"

"Well, I don't exactly know."


"We are looking for something, it's small and can easily be concealed."

"That's nothing at all."

"Well, it will help us defeat you know who." Harry said.

"What we know is that it belongs to Ravenclaw. I'm thinking like the diadem of Ravenclaw?" I said.

Cho then said,"there isn't a person alive who has seen it,it has been lost for centuries now."

"can someone tell me what a bloody diadem is?"

"It's a crown,or tiara."
Ginny then walked through,"Harry."

"six months she hasn't seen me,and I'm like Frankie First Year." Ron said to Hermione. "Im her brother."

"shes got lots of those,theres only one Harry." Seamus said.

"Shut up,Seamus."

"what is it ginny?"

"Snape knows, he knows that they have been spotted." Ginny said glancing at us.

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