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Amelia pov
Harry stared at me. "like you said, we have to stick together, until the end."

"Until the end, ha-" I then noticed a silverish-blue doe. "is that a patronus?"


I pointed to the blueish silverish doe, we both stood up and followed it through the wood, we ended up at a long frozen river.

"lumos." Harry whispered. We walked onto the ice and looked down at a certain spot.

"Harry, look!" I said. I raised my fist to go punch it but Harry stopped me.

"we have a spell for that you know." Harry said.

"right," I put my fist down.

"Accio sword!" Harry yelled.  Nothing.

"okay, I will jump in." I said.

"are you crazy?"

"Always," I said.

Harry pointed his wand and said,"diffindo"the ice broke and a hole formed.

I took off my jacket and sweater, I then took off my jeans. I now only had a long sleeves shirt and leggings on. I jumped in and grabbed the sword.

Harry jumped in after me, he had hit jacket, shirt and trousers off.

I looked up, someone was walking on the ice,I grabbed the sword and went to swim up but got stuck.

I got pulled back by Harry who was drowning and getting chocked by the locket.

I hit my hand on the ice and hard as I could. I then hit the ice with my fist multiple times but that just made my hands bloodier.

Not only were my hands were bloody, the water was bloody, my clothes, but the ice was still there and wouldn't move. I even tried to use the sword.

Thats when I stopped and turned to Harry and grabbed the locket and tried to pull it off of him  but Harry kept on getting pulled away from me, choking on water.

I felt my vision get blurry,and I was getting colder. I swam farther away from the hole and towards Harry.

I grabbed the locket and pulled as hard as I could and it finally was in my hand and not around his neck.He stopped choking and looked at me with his eyes wide. I grabbed his hand and swam as fast as i could towards the little light that I could see.

That's when somebody grabbed Harry and pulled him out of the water. The hands reached down again and helped me up. My eyes widened when I saw the person.

"Are you mental? Why would you both go in there, especially with the locket!" Ron said. I squeezed out my hair and shirt that was icy cold.

"it was you?"

"well yeah, bit obvious,you think?" Ron said.

"did you cast the doe as well?" Harry asked Ron.

"no," Ron said. "thought it was one of you."

"Well, my patronus is a stag,amelias is a unicorn"

"right," Ron said. "antlers and a horn."

I pointed my wand towards me and muttered the spell, I was dry again.


I was dry and warm now that I had on more thick clothes.
Harry spoke, looking at Ron, "Ron, you have to do it."

"I can't handle it. That thing affects me more than it affects you, Hermione and Amelia."

"that's exactly why you should do it," I said.

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