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Harry pov
They did indeed take us to the Malfoy Manor. Bellatrix was there, Draco was also there, so was his mother and father

"I can't be sure." Draco said.

Lucius gripped onto dracos neck,"Look closely son, if we are the ones to hand potter over to the dark lord. Everything would be forgiven. All would be as it was, you understand."

"Now you won't be forgetting who actually caught him,Mr Malfoy." The snatcher said.

"You dare talk to me like that in my own house!" Lucius yelled.

"Lucius," Narcissa said. She grabbed Draco's hand and they then both backed away from Draco.

"Don't be shy, sweetie, come here." Bellatrix said. "Now if it isn't who we think it is, Draco,and we call him.He will kill us all,we need to be sure."

"what's wrong with his face." Draco said.

"yeah, what is wrong with his face?"

"Something he picked up in the forest,I reckon." The snatcher said.

"or ran into a stinging jinx," Bellatrix said and turned to Hermione. "was it you dearie?"
She walked towards Hermione.

"Is she okay?" Draco whispered, no one else could here him.

I nodded, barely noticeable. His mum started walking up to us.

"Give me her wand, we will see what her last spell was." Narcissa tapped dracos shoulder, he stood up and they both walked away.

"What is that? Where did you get that from?" Bellatrix demanded the snatcher.

"it was in the other girls bag, reckon it's mine now." He said.

"What did she look like?"

"Beautiful. Dark hair, green eyes." He sneered. She started yelling, blasting spells everywhere. "Get out! Get out!"

"Cissy, put the boys in the cellar,I want to have a chat with this one," Bellatrix smirked. "girl to girl,"

Narcissa grabbed me and Ron and dragged us to peter and he dragged us down, Ron yelled to take him but they didn't listen.

Hermione pov
"where is she?where is the other girl?Where is Amelia Potter?"

I didn't answer.

"I suppose you're looking for me?" A voice said from down below.

"Bring this one down, I want her."

Peter Pettigrew dragged me down to the cellar. I explained to Harry and the others what happened.

"I told her to run and not follow."

"CRUCIO!" We heard Amelia's screams, they echoed on the empty walls. I knew screaming and crying for them to sob wouldn't work, so I didn't, none of us did.

"Stop!" I heard a yell. It was Draco talking. "The goblin, he might know."  He then came down. I wanted to hit him. I glanced around. Harry's knuckles squeezed. Ron had a angry bitter look on his face.

Draco then said, "I have a plan, I need that one." He pointed behind us. Draco left. There was a loud crack.We all turned and looked at who was was Dobby. We made a plan and he took Luna and Ollivander. Peter came open the door

"you know you owe my sister and i." Harry said angry, "you owe my parents, and Sirius and Remus. They were your best friends, they would of done anything for you. They would of protected you if you had just told them about what he offered you."

He stared at Harry, "you and Amelia look just like your parents." then turned his silver hand and grabbed his neck and started to choke himself, I gasped.

Harry and Ron tried to grab his hand and pull it away from him but it was no use.He then fell down to the floor. Dead.

We all looked at each other and then went up the stairs and hid. Amelia looked life less on the ground, her body almost shaking.

Bellatrix walked over to her, "I will kill your friends, and then turn you into the dark lord. You will regret even getting close to Draco."

And that's when Amelia's head smacked against Bellatrix's. Amelia spat out blood and mocked Bellatrix's laugh, "and you will regret everything."

"Oh, you Dirty Half-Blood Bitch," Bellatrix said.

"When will you learn?" Amelia asks as we all run up. Ron yells,"expelliarmus!"

I pointed my wand at Lucius, he flew back. Harry pointed his wand, "expelliarmus!" Draco's wand flew out his hand.

We were all now blasting spells at each other.

"stop!" We all turned, Amelia was in bellatrix's arms with a knife to her throat. "Drop your wands. I said drop them!" Ron and Harry dropped their wands, I dropped mine.

"Now Draco! now!"

Draco didn't move. Lucius picked the wands up as Bellatrix began to speak again, "Well, well, well. Look what we have here, it's your twin brother. . .Harry Potter. Shiny and new for the dark lord."

I watched as blood dripped down Amelias throat from the cut Bellatrix just made, "Call him." She demanded them. "call the dark lord!"

Lucius put out his arm, and went to call him. A loud squeaking filled the room, it was from the chandelier. It then broke and it fell as Bellatrix pushed Amelia to get out of the way. Amelia fell into Ron arms, he pulled her away before the chandelier could shatter on top of her. Ron picked her up, bringing her next to dobby.

"Stupid elf, you could of killed me!"

"Dobby never meant to kill, just. . .seriously injure."

Narcissa went to cast a spell, Dobby snapped and her wand flew.

"how dare you take a witches wand?How dare you defy your masters?"

"Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf. And dobby has come to save the Potters and friends." She threw the knife she had once held to Amelia's neck. "No!" Amelia jumped in front of Dobby, Ron still having a hold of her. We all disapparated.

Amelia fell to the ground, "Harry."

"No! No!" Harry fell to his knees, pulling the knife out. "Help!" He yelled out. A man with ginger hair, who I knew as Bill Weasley ran out with Fleur following behind.

Harry looked to me as my trembling hand reached for my bag, I took out the dittany potion I used to heal Ron. There was still some left. I ran towards them.

"No," Amelia whispered. "Let me die." A dark stain started to spread across her clothes.

"No, you are going to be okay." I told her, putting it on the spot.

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