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"Ugh! Fine, leave!" A young man climbed to his feet, glaring after the stout donkey that ambled it's way to the side of the road to feast on the green grass that'd captured it's attention. The donkey's bridle jingled a merry tune, bells hung amongst the rope. Across the animal's broad shoulders, it carried the man's possessions in two travel worn bags.

The man in question had turned away to peer up at the sun high in the sky, lifting the veiled hat from his head. He was handsome, with a strong jaw, straight nose and shapely lips. Cold eyes rested under angular brows, the previous frustration and annoyance already fading. His hanfu* had tight-fitting sleeves of blue, an overcoat of white and a skirt of black. Worn leather bracers adorned his arms and his hair was worn in a half-up, half-down style and pinned with a small silver crown-pin. This man's name was Liu Qingyuan.

(*Hanfu - A style of clothing, usually consisting of a robe or a jacket as the upper portion and a skirt as the lower portion)

Liu Qingyuan looked around, dark phoenix eyes narrowing against the grit the wind blew up into the air. He spotted water several paces away and decided to wash up and get a drink.

The river burbled happily as he approached, it's waters tumbling over smooth rock. Liu Qingyuan crouched, his long, black hair cascading over his shoulder. He gazed at his distorted reflection for but a second. The water was cold and did well to refresh him.

After checking that the donkey was still nearby, Liu Qingyuan laid back, hat balanced precariously on his forehead. The rocks warmed his back and a gentle breeze played with his hair. The river's happy melody coaxed the sleep upon him. Liu Qingyuan settled in. A quick nap didn't seem so bad. His master wouldn't hear head or tail of it anyways. Ah yes...his master.


Two Months Ago

"The servant greets your Majesty." Liu Qingyuan bowed low to the man atop the ornate chair of a throne. The old man smiled and made a sound of contentment.


Liu Qingyuan rose, turning to the man standing to the right of the king. His build was slight and lean but he harnessed the power of a wolf. The man was dressed in black silk, long hair up in a high ponytail, bangs dripping down over one side of his face to partially conceal the black mask that covered the scar over his right eye. His black eyes glittered with cunning and in his hand he clutched a fine sword imbued with gold.

"Shifu.*" Liu Qingyuan bowed again. The man smiled a little and nodded, acknowledging the greeting. The man turned, accepting a scroll of imperial yellow and descending the steps to face his disciple.

(*Shifu - "Master" or "teacher")

"By command of his Majesty of Gongzhuan, Liu Qingyuan, disciple of Mo Wu is compelled to travel to Qiangda to shine light on the truths of an important matter of the court." Liu Qingyuan glanced up in curiosity at his master at the vague proclamation. "Accept this edict."

Liu Qingyuan kneeled once more, arms outstretched and head bowed. "I accept." Mo Wu placed the scroll in his hands and stepped aside as Liu Qingyuan bowed again. "Thank you, your Majesty."

The king waved him off. "You are dismissed. Well wishes on your travel."

"Then, we shall take our leave," Mo Wu said. He turned his glittering gaze on Liu Qingyuan and gestured for him to follow. Liu Qingyuan followed his master outside, through a courtyard and into a smaller, more private room.

"Shifu," he dared to ask. Mo Wu raised a hand, silencing his disciple and seating himself at the round table in the center of the room. Liu Qingyuan stepped forward, grabbed the teapot and offered his master a cup of tea.

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