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The next morning, the guards barred the way to the study. Liu Qingyuan looked at them silently, a mask of indifference back on his face. Before the guards could tremble from his overbearing aura, the king's chilly voice rang out from the study.

"You may retire until further notice. Don't come back here tomorrow. I'm busy, so leave quickly."

"This..." Inside, Eunuch Shuang looked at the king uncertaintly. "Your majesty, Liu gongzi is important. He is your bodyguard. Furthermore, he was selected by her majesty..." Jiang Zhilan glanced at him indifferently. "I beg your majesty to reconsider."

"No need," Jiang Zhilan said coldly. He didn't want to see him right now. The king raised his voice, "Chen gong gong* will see you out."

(*Gong gong - A form of address for court eunuchs)

For a fleeting moment, Liu Qingyuan hesitated, feeling uncertain. "Liu gongzi." A voice behind him said. He turned to find an elderly eunuch waiting. "This way." With stuttering steps, Liu Qingyuan glanced back once more and followed Eunuch Chen.

He immediately recognized the place they approached, but his mouth was set in a severe line. It was the kitchens. Although it was early morning, they were in the process of preparing breakfast so the whole place was lively. Eunuch Chen bowed. "His majesty has requested you keep watch over the kitchens as the banquet incident has weighed heavily on his mind. His majesty does not wish for anyone else to be harmed."


Liu Qingyuan knew that it was just an excuse, but he wasn't in a place to refute. Typically, as the king's personal bodyguard, such a position was entirely below him. But he didn't really care. It was just that he had been assigned this position for an unprecedented amount of time. How long would it be before he saw him again...

Liu Qingyuan clenched his hand into a fist, his nails digging sharply into his palm. 'Stop.' He scolded himself. 'Stop, stop, stop.'

"Young man, take this to kitchen three." Liu Qingyuan turned, only to find a basket of chicken eggs shoved into his arms. The ruddy-faced chef was already hurtling away to deal with something else. After a few seconds of pause, Liu Qingyuan started up the path that led to kitchen three, his face holding no expression. Inside, he set the basket down on an empty counter in the corner.

Liu Qingyuan observed the space around him, taking in the neat placement of the stations amidst the chaos currently swirling in the room. The working ovens pumped hot air into the space, requiring the doors and windows to be flung open. Despite this, all the workers had red faces and rolled up sleeves.

"You brat! Shoo!" A gleeful figure blurred away from the shout, tripped over a basket of vegetables and stumbled into Liu Qingyuan's back. The person in question stepped away automatically, reaching out when the culprit fell without his support. He found himself staring down into a familiar face.

The boy's eyes lit up. "Yuan ge!"

"Don't call me that," He said flatly, setting him back on his feet. The boy trembled in his shoes with excitement, his adoring eyes like that of a small puppy seeking praise. He stuffed a stolen bun into Liu Qingyuan's hands.

"Have one! What are you doing here?" He dragged him outside, away from the stifling heat of the kitchen. Liu Qingyuan let him.

"Be quiet. Don't ask so many questions."


"Xiao Bo," Liu Qingyuan said warningly. Although the words didn't carry much venom, Xiao Bo still shut his mouth, quietly eating his bun and waiting for Liu Qingyuan to finish his. He stared at Liu Qingyuan the whole time, committing his cold, regal features to memory. His unsuspecting gaze unexpectedly made Liu Qingyuan soften. Unable to scold him further, he silently ate his bun, watching the activity in the courtyard.

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