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Flickering orange light danced across iron braziers, casting sharp shadows on the stone walls. Within a small, open air courtyard, countless wooden cells were constructed, the haggard faces of unfortunate souls beyond the thick bars. Liu Qingyuan sat cross legged in the rough straw, his arms resting on his lap, and his eyes closed. Half his face was in darkness, his breathing light enough that he appeared to be asleep.

Faint footsteps sounded, nearly impossible to detect amidst the low chatter of the guards and the crackling of fire. Liu Qingyuan didn't move, though a small movement of his hand gave him away. After all, he'd grown up hearing the sound of those footsteps. It was only when his face was completely bathed in shadow did he slowly open his eyes. Liu Qingyuan's gaze fell upon a pair of leather boots, the sheen worn to nearly nothing. From his peripheral vision, the end of a calf-length robe swayed gently. Liu Qingyuan pursed his lips, unwilling to look up.

"What? Unwilling to greet this master?" A drawling tone sounded above his head and Liu Qingyuan flinched slightly. There was no difference in his voice from before; as if everything that had happened between them was nothing more than a fleeting illusion. As if Liu Qingyuan's defiance had never happened, as if his master had never pushed him down that cliff. In retrospect, this seemed even scarier than opposing him. It was like all his efforts had merely punched cotton.

There was a slight rustling of cloth and a small creak from the wood as Mo Wu leaned against the bars. In the dark, his eyes almost seemed to glow, a strange and twisted obsessiveness deep within his gaze. "Liu Qingyuan, you should learn from your shimei. How obedient she is...," He sneered, "But it's no worry. This master was too lenient before. It'll be over soon and you'll come back with me to Gongzhuan." I don't believe a child like you could defy me, not when you owe me so much.

Liu Qingyuan looked up, his gaze immediately meeting Mo Wu's. A slight chill went down his spine. Such a forgiving and gentle expression contrasted horribly with the strange gleam in his eyes. It looked positively demonic. Liu Qingyuan pursed his lips, not saying a word and Mo Wu silently stared. Finally, Liu Qingyuan couldn't help but ask,

"Master?" Mo Wu raised an eyebrow, his gaze fully focusing on Liu Qingyuan's face.


"You...," Liu Qingyuan saw the glimmer of triumph in Mo Wu's eyes and dread filled his stomach, an ominous premonition rising in his thoughts. "What did you do?" He asked urgently.

Mo Wu scoffed almost disbelievingly, the good mood beginning to fade from his face. "You dare speak so rudely to your master like that? Brat!" Liu Qingyuan lept up from his seated position, approaching his master at the bars.

"...Don't go too far." Too fast to see, Mo Wu reached out, grasping Liu Qingyuan's collar and dragging him forward with enough force that he slammed painfully into the bars. An animal smile appeared on his face as he squeezed his disciple against the wood.

"Unfilial brat!" Every inch of his face was filled with uncontrollable rage. "I shouldn't have let you come to Qiangda!" All those years of effort were on the verge of being wasted. Mo Wu released Liu Qingyuan, shoving him away as if he were something disgusting. But before he could retract his hand, Liu Qingyuan reached out, pulling him close again. A solemn and gloomy look surfaced in his eyes, successfully covering the uneasiness in his heart.

"Yes, this disciple is unfilial. I haven't repaid my debt to you, but," Liu Qingyuan grit his teeth, ignoring the pain in his arm as the two men grappled for control. "Master, I'm no longer a little boy. I respect your goals, but only if I can know why." He paused, raising his gaze. "Naturally, those with different thoughts are fated for different paths." His heart beat heavily as he watched a subtle myriad of emotions flash over Mo Wu's face; a little disbelief, a little anger, as if he'd sunk so far into his version of Liu Qingyuan that his words had no effect. Slowly, those emotions faded as a chilling smile crept over his face, madness climbing once more over his face.

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