第四十七章 [END]

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One Year Later

The rhythmic sounds of the carriage's wheels were enough to lull one to sleep, bringing about an order to the chaos of the world. In the last year, after Jiang Zhilan had left for Qiangda's capital, he'd reinforced the country's defenses, stepping onto the battlefield personally and pushing back Gongzhuan's advancing tide with the force of a reinvigorated tiger. The two kingdoms fought so fiercely that nearly all the southwestern border towns were razed to the ground, their residents having long fled. What remained were shells of buildings, scarred by fire and war; a desolate ghost town that nature was slowly reclaiming.

Across the old border, (Gongzhuan and Qiangda now a unified country), in the place where a small camp had once lain sheltering a captured king and his guard, a city has blossomed, business stemming from the travelers that frequently passed. The carriage slowed to a stop in front of the entrance of a manor. The curtain swayed and parted, a slender jade hand preceding the man's figure. His hair was pinned up, flowing down his shoulders and chest like water. The stern expression on his face couldn't hide his beauty, a glance from those peach blossom eyes enough to steal the soul. He glanced up at the entrance plaque, his face softening into a smile.

The entrance was adorned with simple doors, but anyone could see that the craftsmanship was exquisite. The people passing by couldn't help but take another glance at the visitor; a desolate and quiet manor finally had a guest after so long. And it was a handsome young man too!

Jiang Zhilan walked in slowly, adjusting his cuffs, his gait light and his hair swaying in tandem with his every step. His aura carried a steady sense of maturity, stable and clam unlike his more energetic, youthful years. "I'm home," he murmured softly.

"And you are...?" A suspicious voice rang out from the side and Jiang Zhilan turned his head to find a young servant staring back at him, a broom clutched in his hands. Jiang Zhilan raised an eyebrow, unable to resist teasing him a little.

"Your young master." The boy's eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you mean? We don't have-" Recalling the information his Lan-ge had told him, his eyes widened almost comically. The broom fell to the flagstones with a pitiful rattle as he hurriedly bowed. "Y-young master! Forgive me, this lowly one didn't recognize you." Jiang Zhilan smiled, his eyes squinting slightly as he helped the boy up.

"No worries. Where is he?"


"Liu Qingyuan ah, Where is the person?"

"You-...he...t-the person- Master is already not here anymore..." The boy's words were tangled in his mouth. "I-I-," After stuttering for half a day, the boy closed his mouth, unwilling to say more. Jiang Zhilan sighed, his gaze flitting away and the smile on his lips becoming tinged with sadness. Youth was fleeting. He patted the boy's shoulder softly.

"Forget it. I was teasing you."

"Young master!" The shout came from the main hall and another young man, albeit slightly older, quickly rushed over. "You're here." He bowed deeply.


"Lan-ge!" His senior grabbed his arm, shushing him with his eyes. Jiang Zhilan's lips quirked up and he rubbed the boy's head.

"I'm joking, I'm joking."

"...huh? But Lan-ge, Master he-"

"Be quiet! You don't know anything." He patted his junior reassuringly, "Ge will explain it later, okay?"

"...okay." The young servant anxiously watched the young master's back as he stepped into the main hall and disappeared from sight, the ends of hair flashing like a flirtatious wink.

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