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A/N  Chapter is a little shorter this time around

The doors slid open, greeting Liu Qingyuan with the sound of shouting.

"-re incompetent! I should have been king! Can't believe a brat like you took my rightful place!"

"Watch your mouth!" Jiang Zhilan snapped. "I can have you beheaded!"

"Oh," the eldest prince smirked. "You won't do that. I'm your only brother."

Liu Qingyuan turned, glaring at the two interested guards. They met his gaze and hastily turned away, closing the doors. Liu Qingyuan approached the arguing pair, a small plate of desserts still in one of his hands.

"-think that matters? I am above trivial relationships like that!"

"Then do it." The eldest prince stepped forward. "Order my death. NOW!" Liu Qingyuan quietly set the plate on the desk. He waited for a beat but the king didn't move. He narrowed his eyes at the shine in Jiang Zhilan's own. The eldest prince stepped forward again, "You can't even beat me in sword-play-" He jerked back, Liu Qingyuan's hand gripping his upper arm.

"I think that's enough."

"What are you doing?!" The eldest prince sputtered. He jerked his arm out of Liu Qingyuan's grip. "You dare?!!?!!"

Liu Qingyuan stepped back, bowing apologetically. Jiang Zhilan looked mortified. "My apologies, your highness. I deserve to be punished." The eldest prince kicked him. Liu Qingyuan shifted half a step.

"Know your place, servant. This isn't your concern." He turned back to Jiang Zhilan, but his view was blocked by Liu Qingyuan.

"I suggest you leave, your highness." Liu Qingyuan glanced at him with hooded eyes, a hand lightly touching his sword in warning. The eldest prince's gaze darkened and black clouds dampened the atmosphere.


"Leave. You've done enough here," Jiang Zhilan spoke up. Liu Qingyuan glanced back at him and resumed his defense.

"Tch." The eldest prince sneered at them, sending a dangerous glare to Liu Qingyuan. He turned and left in a flourish of silk.

Liu Qingyuan turned around but Jiang Zhilan was already facing the other way. "Are you okay, your majesty?"

"I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" But he still sounded upset. Liu Qingyuan turned away for a second.

"Your majesty,"

"I said, I'm fine-"

"Have a cake." Liu Qingyuan interrupted, snatching his wrist and thrusting a small pastry in his hand. Jiang Zhilan blinked up at him, watching bewildered as he resumed his post beside the desk. With his eyes still on Liu Qingyuan, he slowly raised the cake to his mouth and took a bite. The corner of his lips twitched up as the sweet flavour melted on his tongue. Liu Qingyuan glanced away, satisfied.

It was rather interesting to acknowledge the tensions that had arisen from the eldest prince coming home. Since he didn't possess the Phoenix mark, the people would have protested to the Mandate of Heaven* being passed onto him. Liu Qingyuan understood why the younger brother had been given the throne. But it would still hurt to have 'your rightful inheritance' snatched away. Although it didn't mean that the eldest prince was a good person.

(*Mandate of Heaven - a Chinese political philosophy that was used to justify the rule of the king/emperor)

Liu Qingyuan's hand flew up to stop the object flying at his face. He blinked, unconsciously tightening his grip around Jiang Zhilan's wrist. Crumbs from the mung bean cake scattered on the floor, Jiang Zhilan's startled gaze accompanied his reflex to move backwards.

"What are you doing?"

"I just...wanted to give you a bite." reluctantly, Liu Qingyuan dropped his hand and inclined his head robotically.

"Thank you, your majesty but I'm fine. I do not need-" Before he could continue, something was shoved past his lips, fingers lingering for a moment on the pink flesh. A delicate sweet flavour burst on his tongue, accompanied by a subtle floral fragrance. Liu Qingyuan slowly chewed, savouring the subtle flavours.

"You like it." It was a statement and not a question. Liu Qingyuan resumed his composure, clearing his throat and looking anywhere but at Jiang Zhilan's triumphant face. "That was a plain one," he continued. 'Tell me, which flavour do you like the most?"

"..." Jiang Zhilan looked up at the silence. After a beat, his brow furrowed in realization. 'You...never had it before? But, you can get these anywhere! Granted, the quality might not be the same..." Jiang Zhilan trailed off thinking. Mung bean cakes were popular desserts, even among the common people. It didn't make sense not to have tried it at least once in your life. Unless...you couldn't afford to use your ingredients like that.

Jiang Zhilanlooked up, taken aback at the fierce expression on Liu Qingyuan's face. "Did I...did I say something wrong?" Liu Qingyuan looked away, jaw tight. Most people in Gongzhuan had never and would never taste a mung bean cake despite it's commonality. It wasn't the king's fault that he'd been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, yet his ignorance stirred resentment. The people of Qiangda could live so luxuriously.

Jiang Zhilan asked again, with a little uncertainty. But when no reply was produced, not even one declining to answer, he grew a little sulky. He wasn't used to being ignored and the earlier confrontation with his brother had strung his nerves tight.

"I asked you a question!" Liu Qingyuan finally turned to Jiang Zhilan, blank expression back into place. The king glared furiously, irrationally angry, but Liu Qingyuan found himself thinking he looked adorably pouty. "Ah, nevermind!" He watched the king storm back to his seat, roughly pulling a document towards himself to read. He propped his head on his hand, turning away from his guard. After several moments he barked out, "Stop staring at me!" Liu Qingyuan silently inclined his head and stepped back into his post.

A long time passed and Liu Qingyuan gradually noticed that Jiang Zhilan wanted to eat the cakes but the quiet atmosphere made it awkward. (also because he's a sulky little baby) After another minute of intense staring, Liu Qingyuan rounded the desk, grabbing a cake and kneeling by the king's side like he was a child. Jiang Zhilan was looking anywhere but at him.

Liu Qingyuan held it out. "Eat it if you want it, your majesty." Jiang Zhilan looked at him then looked away.

"I...don't want it." Liu Qingyuan didn't miss the way he swallowed in want. He couldn't help the way the corner of his mouth twitched up. He didn't move, like a predator lying in wait for his prey to give in. He didn't have to wait long. Jiang Zhilan darted forward, biting off half of the cake in a single bite. Liu Qingyuan was a bit startled for a second but was quickly distracted by the way Jiang Zhilan's lips brushed his fingers.

A little embarrassed, Liu Qingyuan quickly went to put the cake down but a hand caught his wrist. "No, hold it there." Jiang Zhilan mumbled around the dessert in his mouth. "...feed me." Liu Qingyuan couldn't stop the heat creeping up his face. In all his twenty-three years of living, nobody had said anything like that to him, hence, he didn't know what to do or how to react.

Kneeling by his chair, Liu Qingyuan was still, watching Jiang Zhilan chew happily. He leaned forward, taking the remaining piece of cake from his fingers. Liu Qingyuan went to shake off the chunk stuck on his thumb, but Jiang Zhilan didn't let go of his hand.

"Wait." After a moment, he leaned forward quickly, licking the crumb from his finger. This time, Liu Qingyuan couldn't stop the red that bloomed on his cheeks. He felt terribly flustered. "Your majesty-" His knuckles turned white from his grip on the arm of the chair.

Jiang Zhilan smirked, mischief glittering in his eyes at the reaction. Liu Qingyuan blinked dumbly up at him, brain trying to churn out a coherent sentence. But before he could, Eunuch Shuang burst in.

Shaung paused at the odd sight, but pondered on it for naught a second. He had more important matters to announce and besides, odd things happened everyday in the palace. "Your majesty, the Dowager requests your presence."

"Alright." The king turned to Liu Qingyuan, letting his wrist go. He smiled brightly like nothing had just happened. "Stay and have another cake, yeah?" Liu Qingyuan didn't even hear Eunuch Shuang's fussing about not bringing his bodyguard; he was too busy watching the king's retreating back, his mind whirring at a million miles per hour. 

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