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A/N  didn't really edit 囧 but its a long chapter <33

The mountain incident had not even settled down when another event had the court roaring with gossip. This time, it involved the ever lurking country of Gongzhuan. Although they had been defeated in battle, their ruthless and cold-hearted tendencies were not to be underestimated; their great general was even alive and well... Even the Great War had ended mostly in order to bring a halt to the people's suffering and even then, Gongzhuan had barely surrendered. That is to say, their poor geographical region lent to the days of peace for Qiangda citizens as it meant that Gongzhuan recovered a lot slower from the war than they did. Although that meant that Gongzhuan would still eventually recover, Qiangda was also advancing in the meantime. There was no need to worry...for the time being.

Thus, Gongzhuan's action of sending over a diplomat to perhaps, just a little, introduce the idea of cooperation, was not well met. The intentions were fine, but the attitude was definitely too arrogant! Not to mention, the one coming over wasn't some Gongzhuan great official, but the devilish general that had slain a good portion of their brothers. The fallen soldiers must be turning in their graves!

The angry whispers resonated around the spacious and grand room. The king sat seated on his dragon throne, lazily watching the discussions below. Although his posture was relaxed, his aura was not to be mistaken. Liu Qingyuan glanced up at him from his position at the bottom of the podium. It was a little interesting to see Jiang Zhilan this serious. But it made sense; after all a diplomat from another country, abet an enemy country, was not something to play around with.

Abruptly, the wide doors blew open. Haloed by the blinding sunlight, a graceful silhouette appeared. Unlike the officials who were stunned into silence and craning their necks like gossiping aunties, Liu Qingyuan kept his head down. He listened to the soft patter of their footsteps upon the central aisle. It only took these light sounds for him to know who was walking into the room at that very moment.

Mo Wu's aloof figure made his way down the center of the mass of officials. He could clearly sense the livid anger and rage from some of them, yet the slight tilt of his lips stayed steady upon his mouth. He wore yet another black outfit, enhancing the lines of his slim but powerful body. The sword he clutched in his hand was clearly a decorative one but Liu Qingyuan knew that he'd have no problem utilizing it if needed. That or, he'd coated the blade in poison. That signature black half mask covered his face, lending an air of cruelty and murder to his lofty features. Two servants followed after him, bearing trays with covered parcels.

Mo Wu stopped right in front of Liu Qingyuan and yet, didn't give him as much as a glance. His lips curled upwards in a polite smile and he inclined his head. "Gongzhuan's General Mo greets Your Majesty, King of Qiangda." He lazily waved a finger and the two servants scurried forward. "Forgive me for these humble gifts." The veils were lifted and two elegantly carved boxes were displayed. The boxes were then opened, displaying a large piece of exquisite jade in one and a large pearl in the other. From the lustre, it was a 'dragon' pearl from the west sea. Although it wasn't extraordinarily rare, they were hard to come by. 'Humble' as a description really wanted to make one spit a fountain of blood.

Jiang Zhilan smiled lightly. "No worries, they are all very excellent gifts. I have bothered you."

"It is my honour." Both men fought in a language unknown to others; bared teeth hidden behind false smiles. Alas, Mo Wu was truly an expert in this field and after a while, Jiang Zhilan couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. What was the meaning behind sending a legendary general as diplomat? Was it truly just an unconscious mistake or...did it mean war? The king shook his head mentally. It had only been a little while. Sending such a diplomat...the meaning couldn't be determined this early on.

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