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A/N  cranking out chapters hehe~~ updated more in the last two weeks than I did in probably half a year...

The wind blew harshly through the terrace in the imperial gardens, surrounding two figures outfitted in fur in the chilly snow. One of them, the king, absentmindedly played with the china cup in his hand, watching the remnants of cold tea swirl around...and around...and around. On the other side of the table, Xiu Ying huddled miserably, a stiff smile frozen on her face. The beautiful fur cloak on her body kept her warm but the cold wind still sliced at her face. It hadn't been long, yet the servants were frantically running back and forth, reheating the dishes only for them to get cold in a quarter of a shichen.

"Y-your majesty," Xiu Ying set down her chopsticks as elegantly as she could and quickly withdrew her hands into her cloak. "The food is nearly gone, why don't we head back inside and warm up..." Finally that bastard Liu was gone from the king's side and the Dowager had arranged this meal with the king; she'd be a fool to waste this opportunity, but it really was too cold!

"Oh? This king isn't finished eating." What not finished eating? The food hasn't even been touched by you at all!! Jiang Zhilan languidly stretched out a hand, finally picking up his chopsticks and picking out a cold piece of meat from the dish. He placed it on his tongue, feeling as if he was slowly chewing a piece of wax. Eunuch Shuang wanted to intervene anxiously. Cold foods weren't good for the body in such cold weather! But the low air pressure around the king made him screw his mouth shut.

Jiang Zhilan chewed twenty times then swallowed and washed down that piece of wax with a sip of tea. He ate more delicately than a noble lady. Xiu Ying was forced to sit in silence, huddling smaller and smaller as the wind blew fiercer. Even the wine in her cup did nothing to warm her. But she didn't even dare to drink, not when the king had blatantly chosen tea.

"Your majesty," Xiu Ying looked around slowly, arching her slender swan neck. But Jiang Zhilan didn't even look up, letting out a noncommittal grunt. "The imperial gardens are truly beautiful. If it wasn't for your benevolent majesty selecting this lowly one, this consort wouldn't be able to enjoy such comforts." Jiang Zhilan glanced slightly at her. I wasn't the one that chose you. Imperial mother did. However, that glance seemed to boost Xiu Ying and she straightened like she'd been injected with chicken blood. She got up, taking the wine jug with her. "Your majesty, it's so cold, why don't you have a drink to warm up?"

"No need," but Xiu Ying had already poured a cup for him.

"Your majesty," she said coquettishly. "Your health and safety is important. You must not be slack in these affairs," she paused, "Especially that guard liu. It's good that the eldest prince prevented such a dangerous person from harming your majesty."

Jiang Zhilan's hand clenched under the table, coldness permeating in his gaze. Xiu Ying continued on, oblivious. "He doesn't come from a lofty family, how dare he be worthy to serve your majesty? Just as much, blood breeds bad behaviour."

"Are you finished?"

"He-huh?" Xiu Ying looked up, staring into the king's eyes. Those peach blossom eyes were beautiful, the envy of all women. On such a figure as the king, they invoked one's curiosity. How would those eyes change...But now, Xiu Ying regretted that she hadn't stayed in her seat. The frost in his gaze rooted her to the spot, unable to even stutter out words of forgiveness. He'd never looked at her in such a way before, only with aloofness, not like this...not with such disgust...

Before the tension could explode, Eunuch Shuang hurried forward. "Your majesty, Second Consort Yan is waiting outside."

"Mm." Jiang Zhilan turned away from Xiu Ying as Yan Li approached. Slightly flustered, Xiu Ying fixed her appearance, hatred blooming in her chest for Yan Li. How dare she encroach on her outing with the king?! She was definitely plotting something...

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