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When Jiang Zhilan woke up with an empty bed at his side, and cold sheets gripped in his fingers, he shot to his feet in a panic, not even bothering to put on his shoes as he searched the room. It was only when he lifted the tent flap to rush outside did he catch a glimpse of Liu Qingyuan's familiar figure approaching. His bare foot retracted from the surface of the soft-packed dirt outside and stepped back onto thick rug fibers. The tent's covering dropped limply from his hand, his gaze lowering. Jiang Zhilan could feel his heart rapidly thrumming in his chest. He turned away numbly from the entrance, pouring himself a cup of cold water from the teapot on the table.

Liu Qingyuan lifted the flap of fabric, stepping into the tent with practiced ease. The corner of his mouth eased into a smile. "You're awake."

"Mm." Jiang Zhilan felt a touch on his waist, a strong arm sliding across his stomach and a warmth sticking to his back.

"You..." he heard him pause, "Your majesty, you should wear shoes. The floor is cold." Jiang Zhilan tilted his head, glancing lightly at Liu Qingyuan.


"...Jiang Zhilan."

"En." Liu Qingyuan's lips pursed, the corner of his mouth tilting up. He really was too cute. Jiang Zhilan patted his arm, signaling him to let go. Liu Qingyuan hesitated, but eventually loosened his grip, stepping back to let the king turn around. For a moment, face to face, the two people simply looked at each other. Jiang Zhilan gazed at his lover, the sharpness of his cheekbones, the dark circles, and the exhaustion that was so much more pronounced in his gaze. "How is your injury?" He asked softly, a hand rising as if wanting to check. Liu Qingyuan grabbed that hand that hovered in the air, placing a chaste kiss on his fingertips.

"Still the same." Jiang Zhilan pursed his lips, dropping his hand and turning to the side. A sense of unease settling at the bottom of his chest had made his sleep fitful. He was afraid that once he closed his eyes, something would happen to Liu Qingyuan. A finger suddenly covered his vision, pushing against the wrinkled skin between his brows and gently smoothing away the tension. "Don't be angry, ba?"

Jiang Zhilan glanced over, letting out a snort. "Forget it. I can't stay angry at a patient." He reached over, pinching his chin wantonly and kissing him lightly on the corner of his mouth. "Don't go running around too much," He warned, "You'll get sick."

"Mm." Liu Qingyuan tugged at his arm, pulling him into another hug. Jiang Zhilan let him be clingy, patting him lightly on the back. He felt a warm current of air ruffle the hair on the top of his head.

Before Liu Qingyuan could speak, one of his men rushed over. He hastily bowed. "Captain Liu, er Jiang...Jiang gongzi." Jiang Zhilan extricated himself from Liu Qingyuan's grip. He tucked a piece of hair behind his ears nonchalantly, but the red on the apples of his cheeks betrayed his embarrassment. Turning, he fiddled with the teapot on the table.


"Just now, one of the scouts came back. He said he spotted movement in the fields thirty zhang to the south, but when he went to check, it was only the long grass moving in the wind." The soldier scratched his cheek looking a little embarrassed, but he hastily continued. "You know Tong-er. He's always a little skittish but he insisted that I tell you...he said he's been feeling uneasy..." He let out a sheepish smile, eyes flickering briefly between his captain and the beauty standing by the table. "I hope Captain won't be angry with me...especially because..." Liu Qingyuan sighed. This guy...he always talked too much.

"Wait a moment," Just as the soldier was about to leave, Liu Qingyuan stopped him. He turned around, subconsciously straightening at the heavy expression on his Captain's face. Liu Qingyuan frowned, the strange woman's words ringing in his ears. She wanted them to leave...the king rides East...the king...if it wasn't Jiang Zhilan then it could only be...the new king of Gongzhuan! His master, Mo Wu! "Inform everyone to pack up and prepare to leave in an hour!"

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