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The next few days were busy. The king occupied himself with state affairs as well as trying to figure out the identities of the assassin's who'd attacked during the banquet. It was frustrating for him as they seemed to have no origin. Furthermore, the two assassins that were captured had hid pills in their mouth and committed suicide the moment the interregation started.

Besides all the official issues weighing on his mind, Liu Qingyuan noticed something else was bothering him. He'd often pause to stare into space like he was reenacting a memory. His face would fall and he'd go back to reading reports with more vigour. But it didn't mean that was a good thing. Liu Qingyuan watched him as he stayed up well past bedtime and still woke up at the same time the next day. He rarely finished his meals, instead going to work on more reports or go to the courtyard and practice his sword-play as if he had something to prove.

"...your majesty..."

"Hm?" Jiang Zhilan grunted, reading a report but simultaneously looking like he was falling asleep.

"Maybe you should rest." Jiang Zhilan straightened, rubbing his eyes and fighting to keep them open.

"No need."


He looked over at the silence and saw Liu Qingyuan's dubiously raised eyebrow. "I just...as king, I have a responsibility to the people and the problems they need help with."

"...Where did that come from?"

"Piss off," The king said rudely, at the end of his patience. Liu Qingyuan caught the hint of insecurity in his eyes. After a few beats of silence, Jiang Zhilan turned back to him. "I told you to get lost!"

Liu Qingyuan bowed and retreated from the room. Outside, Eunuch Shuang was falling asleep on the post. The sound of the door closing startled him awake.

"Huh? What?" Looking around he spotted Liu Qingyuan and made to enter the room. He was blocked by Liu Qingyuan's arm. "What? His majesty is still working at this late hour?" Liu Qingyuan only moved when Eunuch Shuang moved away. He copied him, leaning against a post, crossing his arms and closing his eyes. "Guard Liu, aren't you going to do something?" Shuang fretted. "It's not good for his majesty to work so late."

"Be quiet," Liu Qingyuan said as politely as he could. When Eunuch Shuang continued to fuss, he said disgruntled, "He'll go to sleep soon."

"-and his health-what? How do you know?" Liu Qingyuan's mouth was in a severe line, prompting the Eunuch to clamp his mouth closed and retreat to his own post. A half hour passed slowly. Abruptly, Liu Qingyuan pushed off his post and reentered the hall. Eunuch Shuang was startled awake and his sputtering was promptly ignored.

Jiang Zhilan was sprawled across his desk, eyes closed in deep sleep. A strange emotion rose up in him at the sight of an ink smudge on his cheek. He raised his hand, but dropped it as Eunuch Shuang appeared beside him. He gasped, looking to Liu Qingyuan for help. The latter sighed mentally. He hadn't expected him to actually fall asleep, just for his temper to cool and become more compliant.

"Your majesty," he shook his shoulder. "Your majesty," Jiang Zhilan mumbled, falling back asleep. He leaned lower, breath tickling the shell of his ear. "Jiang. Zhi. Lan."

Eunuch Shuang looked offended. "You dare-"

"Whaaat," Jiang Zhilan groaned. "So noisy..."

Eunuch Shuang kneeled. "Forgive me-us, your majesty. You fell asleep and-" Liu Qingyuan stiffened at the arm that looped over his neck.

"Tired. Just let me sleep here."

"Y-your majesty," Liu Qingyuan's eye twitched. Eunuch Shuang looked like he was on the verge of bawling his eyes out. "It-it's not good for your health."

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